Category: Devotional

Don’t Take Too Much Credit

As I’m fond of saying, God using you to accomplish His purposes is not necessarily good news for you. Here in Isaiah we have another prime example of that in the King of Assyria who God intends to use to bring His vengeance on Israel. But what’s interesting to me in this is the idea that the King of Assyria assumes the good times will keep rolling forever.

I remember being about 20 and getting a labour job working for a guy in my church. He paid me $17.50/hour — in 2002 dollars — and the first week I worked, it was 6am starts and 5-7pm finishes 6 straight days. I made $1260 in a week! That was $65,000 a year! I was rich! I had plans for all that sweet, sweet money. But the very next week there wasn’t as much work. I would call my boss at 5am Monday and he’d say there was nothing today. Same story on Tuesday. And Wednesday. Thursday he had a small job — 4 hours — that he needed me to take care of. Suddenly that $65K annual salary wasn’t looking so likely.

Like the King of Assyria, we can think that WE did something great and now we are reaping the rewards of our good choices. And because we are so smart and savvy, those good times will keep on keeping on. But that’s not always true. Sometimes — oftentimes — they come to an end.

Everything we have it because God allows us to have it. Let’s try to keep that perspective. There may come a time when it will be taken away from us. Heaven forbid we ever end up like Job, but if we did… how would we respond? How would our response be if we lived knowing that everything we have is a loan from God. How would our response be different if we lived believing that everything we have is OWED to us because of our effort, skill, and knowledge?

Remember: a change in perspective changes everything else.

Strong, Humble Leadership

Let me paint a picture: the King of Judah (not a good man) has just been attacked and ransacked by Kings Rezin & Pekah (of Aram/Syria & Israel, respectively) with many valuables and captives taken — though the people would be returned shortly afterward. And Isaiah comes to Ahaz, the aforementioned King of Judah, and tells him that the coup by Syria & Israel will be unsuccessful in their attempt to overthrow Judah and replace Ahaz with their own king. Given the sizeable losses that Judah just took, I wonder how the follow words of Isaiah were received…

[F]or Syria is no stronger than its capital, Damascus, and Damascus is no stronger than its king, Rezin. As for Israel, within sixty-five years it will be crushed and completely destroyed. Israel is no stronger than its capital, Samaria, and Samaria is no stronger than its king, Pekah son of Remaliah.

Isaiah 7:8-9a

Why is this? Because they stand against the purposes of God. He has said that He will preserve the line of David (from which Jesus will eventually come), and so anyone who tries to stand against the purposes of God will fail.

This is why I didn’t title this devotional “Strong Leadership”, but rather “Strong, Humble Leadership”. Strong to lead people in directions they sometimes do not want to go, but humble enough to be submitted to God as you lead. This is the kind of leadership exemplified by Jesus. This is the kind of leadership we should aspire to ourselves.

Consistency is King

I’m not sure where it came from — and don’t care to look it up — but over the years I’ve heard some variation of the phrase, “60% of the time, it works every time!” Of course the whole joke is that whatever the product or service is, it only works 60% of the time. No one wants something that only works 60% of the time! Let’s pop that thought in our pocket for a second and look at this verse in Amos

You can’t wait for the Sabbath day to be over and the religious festivals to end so you can get back to cheating the helpless.

Amos 8:5a, NLT

If you found that verse convicting, congratulations! The Holy Spirit is at work in your life! And that’s where we come back to that item in our pockets. No one wants something that only works 60% of the time. That includes God. Why would he want someone who comes to church on Sunday, but as soon as they leave those hallowed halls, they lie, they cheat, they steal?

Is your life segmented? This part for Jesus, but another for “real” life? I recently compared our lives to a hotel. When we say that we are “sold out” for Jesus, it means that every room is occupied by him. You love baseball? Is Jesus taking up residence in your “baseball” room? You love movies? Is Jesus living in your “movie” room? If there’s any room that He is not welcome in, then your life is segmented. You are just waiting for the Sabbath and religious festivals to end so you can get back to the Godless part of your life.

But the story doesn’t need to end there! renovate the room! Clear out the crap! And please, PLEASE, don’t suffer alone! Talk to a a brother, a sister, a friend, spouse, or pastor! Let us help you! Let us help you move the renovation from a “one day” project to an “in process” project! Let us help EACH OTHER be more consistent. Because consistency is king!

Can God Still Love Me?

God gives Amos a vision to share with Israel it starts with a warning against Israel’s enemies of coming calamity because of their treatment of God’s chosen people. I’m sure that seemed all well and good, until God — and Amos — turned their attention to Israel herself. Much more time is spend on Israel’s stubborn obstinance and the coming debt for that behaviour. Yet, in sprite of all of that God STILL offers reconciliation to His people if they will turn from their sin and return to Him. Despite their unfaithfulness, wickedness, selfishness, evil, plotting, and debauchery… God still loves them.

There is nothing you can do to get TOO FAR from God. No road so long that you cannot return. No path so twisted that it cannot be untangled. Yes, there will be consequences — both natural and spiritual — for whatever choice(s) you’ve made, but you are still welcome to come home. God will never, never give up on you. To your dying breath He is calling your name.

Can God still love me? The answer is an unqualified yes.

The Lord’s Glory in Our Failures

When we think of Jonah, we often think about the man and the “great fish” (most likely a sperm whale, if you’re interested) and Nineveh and Jonah’s temper tantrum at the end. But I’ve never heard anyone spend time talking about the sailors who threw him overboard.

They knew he had angered his God and caused the troubled sea they were dealing with, but they didn’t want to throw him overboard because they felt that meant certain death. Despite their best attempts there was no option but to throw the disobedient prophet overboard, hoping that his God would show them mercy. When they did throw him into the sea the storm stopped immediately.

Then what happened?

The sailors sacrificed to Yahweh and vowed to serve and worship only Him for the rest of their lives.

Here’s the thing: God has a plan. And you can’t do ANYTHING to frustrate the plans of God. Why not? Because he knew what you were going to do before you existed, and he planned for your behaviour. And He worked it out so that He would get the glory even if we decide to be disobedient and heard-headed.

Since God’s purposes are going to be achieved either way, you might as well get on board!

Satan is a Bad Counsellor

When King Joash’s mentor (the priest Jehoiada) died, and new set of advisors quickly stepped in to fill the vacuum. And they led him away from the Lord. They led him so far from the Lord that when Jehoiada’s son Zechariah came to Joash to challenge him, Joash had him killed! Well, some time later a couple of this trusted advisors decided to assassinate the king for that very action! Jozacar and Jehozabad killed their own king, while he was weak, wounded from battle.

So it is with sin.

We often have this picture in our mind of Satan with hooves for feet, a spaded tail, head horns, a pitchfork, and a generally red hue. LOL. No. Satan is never — NEVER — going to come to you and say, “Hey! I’m evil and have your destruction as my goal! I want to lead you astray and bring you to a place that will ultimately be your destruction.” Who would do that? Satan is evil… not a MORON. No, what he will actually do is promise you something fun and shiny and new.

Maybe your struggle is lust and he brings someone into your path to disrupt your marriage, or brings some pornography to your attention. Surely nothing bad came come from abusing the gift of sexuality or allowing it to control you… right?

Maybe your struggle is “the almighty dollar” and he brings you a deal that will make you some quick money if you’re willing to cut a corner here and there or take advantage of someone. Hey, it’s a jungle out there! Dog eat dog… right?

Maybe your struggle is glory/power and so Satan brings you the offer of career advancement if you just throw a coworker under the bus, or compromise your commitment to the church, or sacrifice more time with your family. But once you have that power, you’ll start using it for good… right?

Satan is a loser who knows he’s a loser. And he’s just trying to do as much damage as possible on the way down.

Choosing Our Friends

Young Joash is made king of Judah when he is just 7 years old. Jehoiada the priest oversees his reign and provides guidance and protection for the first 23+ years of his reign. But right after Jehoiada the priest died a new band of hangers-on came to Joash with super awesome new ideas… rather than worship the God of Abraham… how about we worship these wooden poles instead!? This angered God, but rather than visit His judgement and wrath upon Joash, he sent Zechariah — the SON of Jehoiada the priest — as a prophet to warn the king about his behaviour’s consequences. Joash’s response? He had Zechariah killed.

Your friends have a massive impact on your life. This is because gravity pulls toward the largest mass. If your friends are upright, God-fearing, and trying to live good lives. Chances are high that you will do the same. If your friends are alcohol abusers and partiers into casual drug use, chances are high you will do the same. This is why it is so critical that we choose our friends carefully. We must have people around us who are rowing in the same direction we are.

Does that mean we can never have friends who aren’t Christians? Friends who are still deep in their struggles? Of course not! Have those friends. But they should not be in your inner circle. They should not be the ones that you seek out for advice and council. The influence these type of friends needs to be minimized. And if you ever find yourself in a position where these more worldly friends “get you” better than your Christian friends BEWARE! Seriously. It means that YOU have changed your position and are now in danger of rejecting God just like Joash did.

Don’t be Joash. It’s not worth your life.

Should We Desire To Be Used By God?

While I think we can all agree that being used by God is a good thing, I would like to highlight that it is necessary, but not sufficient. I have made this argument many times throughout my writings. We have seen many people who were indifferent towards God, far from God, and even those who hated God being used to accomplish His purposes throughout history.

Today’s reading featured another one. Jehu. He was told by a disciple of Elisha that he would become the king of Israel. He then went on a bloody campaign to kill the kings of BOTH Israel and Judah and any heirs or descendants they had. This campaign was utterly successful. But despite God telling him this would happen and then giving him success in every step of the campaign. No sooner was the crown on his head than he turned his back on God.

But there is no denying that Jehu was “used by God” to visit His judgement on wayward kings and their descendants. And yet, despite being used powerfully by the Lord, he remained far and unfaithful during his reign.

So should we desire to be used by God? Yes. But MORE than that we should desire to love God. That should be the focus of our prayers.

Spiritual Elements to Physical Battles

I don’t have a lot to say about today’s reading — even though a LOT happens — because I just want to highlight one single line…

The king of Aram is fed up with Elisha always knowing what’s coming and foiling his plans over and over again. So he decides it’s time to kill this troublemaker and be rid of him! So he finds out where Elisha is and surrounds his home. Elisha’s servant wakes up in the morning and walks out to see the army of Aram surrounding his house with horses and chariots and he is terrified. He goes to get Elisha to ask what to do. Elisha’s response is exceptional.

Elisha says, “Don’t be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!”

Then he prays for God to open the eyes of his servant and God does just that. And the servant sees the surrounding hillside covered in angel armies with horses and chariots of fire!

Because even our physical battles are spiritual battles. For we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. When you are feeling cornered or alone, pray for the Lord of Heaven’s Armies to open your eyes to the fact that we are represented by angels, horses, and chariots of fire!

Did God Send Bears to Maul Children?

This is a common misconception that has been addressed a great many times. I’m not going to say anything revolutionary here. But this misunderstanding mostly arises from the King James Version translation, which reads:

23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

2 Kings 2:23-24, KJV (emphasis added)

There are essentially 4 words in question. “little”, the first “children”, “tare”, and the second “children”.

But before we look at those, let’s get some context.

Remember that this is the rogue kingdom of Israel, under the Godless rule of Jeroboam’s descendants. And when he originally split from the kingdom of Judah he set up shrines — complete with golden calves — in Dan and Bethel. So, Elisha arrives in Bethel, a primary worship centre for Israel and that is the location of the event.

Next take note of what they chant at Elisha; “Go up, thou bald head”. They say it twice. So the question becomes go up where? Well, not so long ago Elisha was with his mentor, Elijah, when a chariot of fire came to take Elijah away up to heaven. I actually think context provides all the needed answers. It was common when expressing grief in the Old Testament to tare one’s clothing and shave the head. So then, what these “little children” are saying to Elisha is “Why don’t you go away like your mentor did?” Stop mourning that disappearing act and disappear with him instead!

So we see that the attack is not really about Elisha, but God. Near one of the worship capitals for rogue Israel these “little children” are telling Elisha that he AND his mentor AND his God can go back to wherever they came from because they are not welcome there. And this while Elisha is performing miracles all over and trying to call people back to the one true God… hmm… this seems quite a familiar scenario!

With that context, I think we can agree that a gaggle of toddlers was probably not this spiritually, geographically, and culturally aware. And so let’s take a look at our four contentious words.

“little” — This exact same Hebrew word is used by Solomon to describe himself taking the throne at around twenty years old in 1 Kings 3:7. It is also used to describe Saul when he was anointed as king in 1 Samuel 9:2. So “little”, then, is a relative term. One could be as old as 20 or at tall as Saul!

“children” (the first one) — This word is used of Joseph at age ~17 in Genesis 37 and of Isaac at 25+ years old in Genesis 22! Again, the term “children” seems also to be quite relative… now we’re looking at “children” as old as 28!

“tare” — broken, cut, ripped, burst, divided, split… yeah… they dead.

“children” (the second one) — This word can mean a male child of any age from infancy to the age of majority. Or it could refer to one member of a group, “children of God”, “children of Israel”, “children of wrath”, etc. So this could simply mean that the bear attacked 42 members of the aforementioned group. Again, we need not understand this as preschoolers.

So I think when we look at the context and the range of possible translations of the words, it’s fairly easy to make the case than some cocky young MEN decided to mock God and the messenger who sent them, then received the reward for their mockery. I’m not saying it’s nice. But I am saying that if you want to play stupid games, you can win stupid prizes.

Don’t play stupid games.