A Call to Action

David’s simple psalm carries a straightforward message. That the one who is not held accountable for his misdeeds is blessed. But when we try to hide our sins away, God allows their consequences to do us harm. It is only once we confess that we are freed from the (spiritual) consequences of sin. So don’t be stubborn! Take it to God while you still have time. None of us knows how many days we have left. And don’t bear the weight of your sin alone! Share it with a sister or brother and take it to the Lord. Indeed the truth shall set you free.

Jesus Pointing to David Pointing to Jesus

Every time I read Psalm 22 it blows my mind. This is the one that was quoted by Jesus on the cross, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Read it again and think about this: Jesus could have said *ANYTHING* as He was dying on that cross, but He chose to quote Psalm 22. Read it again and imagine it was written NOT about David, but about Jesus. Wow. This must have hit the Jews in the crowd like a ton of bricks as they looked around and saw EVERYTHING in Psalm 22 happening around them, then look at the ending! Wow. Wow. Wow.

Then remember that Psalm 22 was written 1000 years before these events took place!

Chariots, Censuses, and Sins

I love this triumphant line from David:

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Psalm 20:7, NIV

Israel fought many foes under David and won because the Lord was with them, which was the point of what Moses recorded:

The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself or make the people return to Egypt to get more of them, for the Lord has told you, “You are not to go back that way again.”

Deuteronomy 17:16

Like I said before, the idea here was to trust in God for provision, not in oneself. This is what led to what many term “The Sin of David” (as if there was only one, lol) which we see in 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 22, where David takes a census of his fighting men. Why, if not to prepare for some war against an adversary? This demonstrated an apparent lack of trust in God.

When we come up against foe to big to bear, we shouldn’t take stock of our assets, we should take it to our God. There’s nothing wrong with taking action and trying to do what you are able to, but not until you take it to God and ask Him to lead the way. Doing it our own way without involving God is — at best — benign, but at worst is a road that leads to sin.

They Can’t Argue Your Testimony

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess.

1 Peter 3:15, NET

This verse is as terrifying to some as it is inspiring to others. Do I have to give a whole Gospel presentation? What if I don’t have all the answers? What if it’s awkward? What if I’m seen as ‘pushy’? What if I don’t have a fully fleshed-out systematic theology and they ask about divine aseity!??!

Let’s remember that 1 Peter is about unjust suffering. That even as we suffer, we should still display the hope of Christ. So much so, in fact, that people will take notice and ask us why were are so hopeful given the circumstances. So live in a way that invites people to ask you questions! Be joyful, exuberant, and hopeful.

Then follow David’s lead. He writes:

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 9:1, NIV

The thankfulness leads to joy. That is actually scientifically true, as argued by Dan Baker in his book “What Happy People Know”. Baker notes that our brain physically cannot experience gratitude and anxiety simultaneously. So exercising gratitude (I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart) will lead to that contagious, curious joy that will make folks take notice. And when they ask, you can tell them what God has done in your life (I will tell of all your wonderful deeds)!

People can argue whether Jesus is God, whether He rose from the grave, whether He even lived, but they can’t argue with what He has done in your life! And when you tell them the answer for your hope, joy, and gratitude is Jesus, then they will want to know more about Him.

Yes, sharing the Gospel is awesome, but sharing what the Lord has done in your life demonstrates the fruit of the Gospel, and opens doors for church events, service invitations, and even leading someone to Jesus!

So be joyful! And be willing to tell people why you are that way! God bless, my friends.

Are Our Prayers Results-Oriented?

While going through today’s reading, one verse hit me in the face with the force of a heavyweight boxer. David is praying for his son, Solomon, who will become king. David says,

Give my son Solomon the wholehearted desire to obey all your commands, laws, and decrees, and to do everything necessary to build this Temple, for which I have made these preparations.

1 Chronicles 29:19, NLT

Wow! Really let this sink in. Maybe you are not guilty of this, but I know I am; when I pray to God I want to see a result. I want to see a particle thing happen. Then I can check it off in my prayer journal and be satisfied that God has answered this prayer in the affirmative and move on to the next one. But David’s prayer, so simple and moving is that Solomon would not MERELY obey and accomplish, but that he would have the WHOLEHEARTED DESIRE to do so.

Is that how we pray? Do we want God to do the work/empower us to do the work, or do we want God to help us DESIRE to do the work?

God help me DESIRE more of You. Help me WANT to do what is right. Incline my heart toward Your will and Your way. Help me to long for unity with You, help me to persevere toward that Goal all of the days of my life. Help me to hunger and thirst after your heart. Help me to feel incomplete without your direction. God have Your way in me. Help me to love myself less so that I can leave more room for Your love to share with those who do not yet know You. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause.

Thank you Jesus.