
Time to Own it

God has given us the earth and its inhabitants to steward and the universe as a witness of the power and majesty to which we are accountable. No amount of lying, denying, and/or blame-shifting will bring relief when we are required to give an account of how we did. Let’s…

Who’s Leading Who?

We are all the hero of our own stories. But sin is eager to counsel us — and we are eager to listen, because the counsel of sin so often aligns with our existing desires. But God knew how hard-headed our free will would make us and so he made…

The Moving of the Spirit

Just before the flood would begin to recede we see a wind (the Hebrew word ‘ruah’) move across the earth. This is the same word for the Spirit of God we see moving across the formless, nascent earth in Genesis 1:2. This also remind us of God breathing life into…

I Don’t Deserve This

Some will read this and assume unmerited blessing, some will read this and assume unmerited cursing. Solomon tells us that both come from the Lord (Ecc 7:14), so we should seek to learn in every circumstance. In the case of Abram and Sarai the Lord has chosen out two to…

Don’t Do God’s Job

God made two promises to Abraham. The first, that his descendants would out number the stars in the sky. The second, that he would be given the land of the Canaanites to possess. Abraham and Sarah wanted a son so badly they could almost taste it. So when God promised…


Influence. We are all affected by it. Whether we are subject to it or exerting it. Such is the case with Lot and his family. When two angels of the Lord come to Sodom to test Lot's righteousness, he takes them in offering to wash their feet and house them…

Adding Value to Your Life and the Lives of Others

Abraham is worried about who his son, Isaac, will choose to marry. And so he sends out his oldest servant to find his a wife — not among the Canaanites in the foreign land they inhabited, but from among his own people, Israel. The servant arrives and sets 3 criteria when…

Hard Things are Harder, but They’re Better

This is a little piece of wisdom from my wife. She always laughs at it, but I've always thought it was profound in it's obvious simplicity. I think this is what we see in God's method of bringing his covenant with Abraham to fulfillment. Sarah had trouble conceiving, but Hagar…

Your Lack of Planning Isn’t My Problem

Esau goes out hunting and come home famished. He asks his brother for some stew and Jacob - as brothers do - needed something in return. Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright and Esau, evidently a drama queen, says he’s going to literally die if he doesn’t eat. So he trades…

What Does God Feel Like?

God appears to Jacob in a dream and confirms His covenant with Abraham. Gods words are positive and encouraging, yet Jacob was afraid. Understanding the awesome power of the one true God. And after this encounter with the Lord, he erects a monument to God, and to mark a place…

God Could Never Use Me

How many of us have uttered this sentence, or held this thought? If ever you feel like you’re too messed up to be used by God, read the Bible. See how He uses deeply flawed people to accomplish His purposes all the time. Just in today’s passage; Jacob is cheated…

At His Feet

When Jacob finally begins the journey home with his household (which included all his servants, animals, and belongings) he is concerned that his previous actions toward his brother Esau will come home to roost. He assumes that his father Isaac has likely passed at this point, and with Jacob nowhere…

Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust

Immediately after Jacob returns home and he and Esau bury their father, Isaac, Esau moves his household out of the land because, basically, this town ain't big enough for the two of us. He settles outside Canaan in Edom. They appointed kings and traded with Egypt, and eventually warred with…

Bold As Love

Anger! He smilesTowering in shiny metallic purple armorQueen jealousy, envy waits behind himHer fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground Jimi Hendrix rightly recognizes that jealousy often fuels the wrong kinds of anger. Such is the case with Joseph's brothers. There's plenty to be jealous about, Joseph is the…

Abandoned by God?

A Wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. This famous line by Gandalf the Grey introduces us to the character and sets a tone for how we see him, and how he sees himself. It is no secret that J.R.R. Tolkien was…

Whose Will Be Done?

"I admit the deed! — tear up the planks! — here, here! — it is the beating of his hideous heart!” The satisfying release can almost be felt as we reading the thrilling conclusion of Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart'. It is the story of a man whose guilt…

Effectively Resurrected

He was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. He was brutally killed by savages. His blood spilled. His death mourned. He took love and hope and joy to the grave. Surely this was the worst of times. This is the new reality. He would no…

Cold Comfort and Eternal Perspective

Rachel. The wife Jacob loved. Just to hear it hurts. Nevermind actually BEING Leah, the first wife — the one without the 'sparkle' in her eyes. She lived her life in Rachel's shadow. When Jacob was afraid of his brother Esau coming to exact revenge, he lined up the concubines and…

Love in the Trenches

Job is a righteous and prosperous man. He fears God and loves his children. He would offer sacrifices on behalf of his children, in case they had sinned incidentally or accidentally. It was common belief among the worshippers of pagans gods that those deities were capricious and easily offended, so…

Good Council Is Not Always Good Council

Let me explain. Job has been stripped of everything but His life. By God — of at least by God's consent and decree. He was, however, righteous and blameless as the account records. His friends show up and offer their speeches, Eliphaz is the first to speak with Job and…

On Mockery of God

During one monologue Job claims his innocence while insisting that God is far off and indifferent to the suffering of the righteous, or even enjoying it. In response his friend, Zophar, says — basically — "You want God to speak? Well, clearly He has!" He then goes on to say,…

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

Do not be afraid. We hear God and his angels say this so often when they appear in the Biblical narrative that one wonders if perhaps it is the standard greeting in Heaven. But I think this phrase has another application. Job accuses his friends of lying in order to…

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

When people propose the oft-asked question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" there are several assumptions. That bad things exist (who decides what events go into each category), that there are good people (same question as before), and that the aforementioned 'bad things' should happen to the assumed…


'Blue Sky Solutioneering' is a phrase I first heard from Merlin Mann on the Back To Work podcast. The idea was that you (singular or plural) would just pluck solutions to complex problems out of thin air and then worry about how to realize them later. This is a common…

What is Your Value to God?

"What pleasure would it give the Almighty if you were righteous? What would he gain if your ways were blameless?" (Job 22:3, NIV) The previous questions are part of Eliphaz's third response to Job. A response in which Eliphaz goes on to tell the grieving Job that there is no…

The Physical and the Metaphysical

In Chapter 28 of his eponymous book, during a lengthy monologue Job expounds on all the incredible works of mankind. In plumbing the depths of the earth mining and exploring. Harvesting every precious metal the earth has to offer. Creating fine delicacies like crystal and glass and jewlery. In searching…

The Bravado of Youth

All of Job's… er… friends… have finished with him and suddenly a new challengers emerges. Elihu — who has apparently been here the whole time — ceases his silence. Frustrated that none of the older men are able to show Job why he is wrong. As a young man I had…

Light in the Darkness

Once again Job declares his innocence. And rattles off a list of offences for which he feels he cannot be found guilty. Perhaps some of these will convict you, as they have convicted me. While there is one I will bring focus to at the end, pause after each once…

God, Revealed

He fills His hands with lightning bolts and hurls each at its target. This is a description Elihu offers of the God of Adam & Noah. At first it seems quaint a funny. It read more like a Greek mythological description of Zeus than one of the true living God.…

This Isn’t For You

A phrase oft spoken in my house. My wife and I will be discussing something within ear-shot of our children, and not infrequently one or both of them will ask follow-up questions about the thing they have overheard. "Who did that, Dad?" or "Where did they go, Mom?" And most…

On Atheists and Foxholes

"Do you know the multiplication tables? Long division?" "I know of them…" This hilarious exchange took place on S08E02 of the Simpsons. Barts knowledge OF these mathematical principles is of no use when the time comes to actually employ them. Bart needs direct, useful knowledge of what these methods are,…

What Was God Waiting For?

Exodus opens with the Israelites growing into a mighty sub-nation within Egypt. And so the Egyptians seek to subjugate them with slavery. They do so successfully. But God does nothing. Pharaoh orders all the newborn male children drown, and God does nothing. Eventually one little boy is hidden in the…

The Lord Your God

Moses and Aaron have been commissioned by God to advocate before Pharaoh for the release of the Israelites. God warns them that Pharaoh's heart will be hard, but that in time he will not only let the Israelites go, he will force them to leave Egypt. What will cause this…

Have It Your Way

Some of us would admit it, others never would, but we all love control. We like to be in charge. We want the final say and for the buck to stop with us. That's why the Burger King slogan, "Have it your way" was such a fantastic stroke of marketing…

Not a Hoof!

The temptation to compromise can be a strong one. We feel that God has called us to do something and we push toward that goal, ultimately settling for most of it. That's pretty good, right? Close enough. Growing up, my mother often said (and I often quote her), "'Good enough'…

Why Isn’t God More Obvious!?

A question asked by atheists and naive Christians constantly. If only God would do X, or Y, or Z… then people would believe! I love this idea because it flies in the face of all the evidence since forever. We want to be right and our brains will seek out…

They Had No Idea

After being rescued from the oppression of the Egyptians, the Israelites lack water, so they whine about it to Moses. Moses goes to God and He provides water. Some time later , the Israelites lack food, so they whine to Moses. Moses goes to God and He provides food. A…

God & Polygamy

It is often said that the Bible turns a blind eye to polygamy, and I admit that I find it troubling that God is not stronger on this issue, particularly in the Old Testament where such activity is rife, even among the men we consider "heroes" of the faith. While…

Case Law & The Bible

Often when we read parts of Exodus and Leviticus we can find ourselves asking, "What does this have to do with me, today? I have no current or future plans to cook a goat in its mother's milk." I get it. Some of these rules are confusing and even downright…

Representative Value

God asks the Israelites to provide the finest materials they have to offer for the construction of the Tabernacle. Worth noting; this is the same fine material they got from the Egyptians when they left. So God is really just asking for some of the blessing He has bestowed on…

Made For A Purpose

God has given Moses a long, heavily detailed description of the alter, ark, tabernacle, garments, incense, and other items (Did Moses have a notebook? iPhone? Palm Pilot?) that each require a significant amount of skill. And this is where the story gets interesting: In Exodus 31 God tells Moses (not…

Set Apart

The Israelites fall prey to their own impatience and the weak leadership of Aaron. The people couldn't wait 40 days, they made a gold cow and worshipped it, Moses made them drink the cow, they got sick… suffice it to say it was a wild time. Shortly after this series…

Black Sabbath

Exodus 35:2 (NET) says, "In six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there must be a holy day for you, a Sabbath of complete rest to the Lord. Anyone who does work on it will be put to death." Woah, coming in strong there! Why? Well,…

Give ‘Til It Hurts

Exodus 38:8 says, "Bezalel made the bronze washbasin and its bronze stand from bronze mirrors donated by the women who served at the entrance of the Tabernacle." While this may not have blown your hair back in amazement, it's still interesting to me that the women who served at the…

Jesus’ Reflection

The Tabernacle is ready and so they go about setting it up. And it is amazing to me how all the furniture in the Tabernacle already points us to Jesus. The Wash Basin was for the cleansing and sanctification of the priests, in the same way Jesus washed away our…

Digging Deeper

Leviticus often gets a bad rap for being "boring". Disagree. Leviticus is drastically underrated. Numbers, however, I am fully ready to admit can seem like a slog at times. Today's passage is a prime example of just that. Upon first reading this can be a dry, repetitive list seemingly without…

The Stand-In

Just a quick note today; It is fascinating to me that when God visits destruction upon the land of Egypt by sending an angel of death to take the lives of all the firstborn sons, He told the Israelites how to avoid this fate. By marking their doorposts. And so…

Making It Right

There is much todo about sin throughout the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). And much of it is sin against God. The things we do that are an affront to Him and His law. But God isn't simply worried about…

A Pleasing Aroma

Just a quick thought today. If you have been reading along you'll have noticed that the phrase "a pleasing aroma to God" has appeared a great many times in Genesis, Exodus, and especially Leviticus. Depending on what translation you use this phrase pops up some 43 times in the Old…

God’s Hatred of Yeast

Ever since the Passover we have been reading about unleavened bread. Yeast is not allowed! If you're like me, you have likely been wondering why God has such an irrational abhorrence toward leaven. Well, if you Google that you are likely to end up with several folks telling you that…

Does God Prefer Boys?

Today's reading has, broadly, two sections. The bulk of it addresses skin diseases, which is an interesting topic unto itself, and its relative size would seem to demand attention, but the relatively minuscule chapter 12 — a mere 8 verses long has stolen the show today. My wife and I…

The Original Mold Remediator

A lot of what we read in Leviticus can seem bizarre and foreign to us. Which is not surprising since we are separated from those people and their circumstances not only by thousands of miles, but also thousands of years! The way we look at… everything… is so different. The…

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

So far in Leviticus and through the back half of Exodus we have gotten a great deal of instruction from God through Moses. We got case law, regulations, best practices, and punishments for crime. Some of it is thick and worth contextualizing and explaining, like why Molech — of all the…

Blasphemy & Death

To this point no punishment has yet been handed down for blasphemy despite it's prohibition (Ex20:7;22:28. It would stand to reason, then, that it is likely to this point that no one HAS blasphemed the Lord. Along comes this half-Egyptian/half-Hebrew fellow. Who does not simply blaspheme, but blasphemes AND curses!…

Blessings, Curses, & Unfailing Love

Reading through the blessings and punishments of God in Leviticus 26 is interesting. As modern Christians under the New Covenant with Jesus the "goods" of obediences and "bads" of disobedience seem much more… temporal and terrestrial. Grounded in the things of this earth. Since Jesus has come we tend to…


God was utterly faithful with his covenant promises and he expects the same from us. Which is probably why He is constantly upset with Israel. My father used to tell me that the only things you really have in this life are your family and your word, and the latter…

On Leadership

These two chapters of Numbers are all about who is in charge of what and where they are to camp. All of which is in relation to the centrepiece of the nascent Israelite nation, the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is the centre of the camp, it is the centre of the…

Necessary But Not Sufficient

Numbers 5:6 says "… if and of the people — men or women — betray the Lord by doing wrong to another person, they are guilty." Oftentimes we separate sin out into sin against God and sin against people. But we forget that people are image-bearers of God. He made them.…

Intentional Remembrance

Today we read about silver trumpets. These were to be blown only by the priests, but they signalled several things. An assembly. A move. An attack. A Festival. A new month. A burnt offering. A peace offering. This was a way to remember God and a way to ask God…

Rabble Rousers

In Numbers 11 we see a group of discontents bad-mouthing God's provision. They wanted more than manna, they wanted meat! "If He truly loved us, He would give us what we WANT, not merely what we need!" and this sentiment spread among the people. We have very little trouble becoming…

Lack of Faith is Rebellion

12 scouts are sent into the promised land, all 12 agree that the land is incredible and rich in resources. But only one, Caleb of the tribe of Judah thinks they can actually take the land. When 10 of the other scouts start spreading a bad report about the trip…

The Tale of the Bronze Serpent

This particular episode in Numbers is a fascinating one, I think, especially considering this incident with the snake statue is cited by Jesus himself immediately before the most famous verse in all of Scripture, John 3:16. So the question becomes: what's with the snake idol? And why did God choose…

A Fickle God?

Today's devotional is more of an apologetic concerning one of the more confusing exchanges in the Old Testament. Balak, the King of Moab sends a contingent down to get the prophet Balaam. Apparently a well-known man among the leaders of the region, he was able to commune with the gods.…

The Ultimate STD

Balaam refuses to curse Israel because the Lord is with them. All good, right? Well, Balaam is worried about them dolla-dolla bills, and they are on the line because he was unable to give the King of Moab what he was after. So he concocts a plot to draw the…

Are Women Entitled to Anything?

Why do this trio of sisters have to go to nomadic Israel's equivalent of the Supreme Court to get a ruling on whether or not they can have their father's inheritance? When reading accounts like this it can be easy to wear our modern lenses and wonder what is wrong…

Submission to the Lord’s Judgement

God decides it is time to visit His judgement on the Midianites. The tribes of Israel each prepare 1000 fighting men. 12,000 in total. This is far less than the total fighting personnel available. And they easily defeat the Midianites. All 5 kings fall in the battle. A sobering reminder…

Splinters & Thorns

Today's devotional is a quick one. While the desire of Reuben and Gad to settle OUTSIDE of the Promised Land is a curious one, what stood out to me the most from today's reading is the final two verses. Numbers 33:55-56: 55 But if you fail to drive out the people…

Murder, Manslaughter, and Witnesses

It is interesting to me that God explicitly says that if someone murders another person. The definition of murder in the Bible is essentially the same one we use today. This is because the Bible is the basis for the Western justice system1. In this particular passage — Numbers 35 —…

We Left No Survivors

Deuteronomy 2:34 reads, "At that time we seized all his cities and put every one of them under divine judgment, including even the women and children; we left no survivors." It seems so shocking by today's standards. God said to do what?! And why?! The questions seek no answer. They are…

Old Testament Evangelism

The God of the Old Testament — Yahweh — is an angry, unloving tyrant of a deity. Full of wrath and judgement. But the God of the New Testament — Jesus — is a peaceful, hopeful, loving deity. Balderdash! This sentiment is so rife among people who are only passingly familiar…

The Word of the Lord

Just a quick demo for today. The Lord tells us where His commands, His instructions, His words should be. This list is succinct and significant. In your heart — the heart is prone to deceit (Jer 17:9) and so God's word must be used to guard the heart. Taught to…

A Hostile Takeover of Your Heart

Deuteronomy 11:6 warns us not to let our hearts be deceived, be enticed to serve other gods. The heart always seems to be the vector of deception. Of course, when we think about the heart today we think of the emotional side of ourselves, but the original writers has a…

Death to the Infidel!

Right at the top of chapter 13 God tells us that false prophets and dreamers of dreams can be tested. We can know if they are the real deal or if they are trying to lead us astray. How? When they tell you to follow their new god... It's kind…

Under My Own Power

I often see people cite Deuteronomy 17:17 when talking about David and Solomon, both of whom had multiple wives. And in the case of Solomon (who neared 1,000 when you factor in concubines) we see the direct statement in 1 Kings 11:3 that this did indeed result in his heart…

Excluded from the Kingdom?

If you read Deuteronomy 23:1-8 and are NOT a Biblical savant you probably scratched your head and thought... wut? Seriously. What does this even mean? I'll put the whole section in here for context: 23:1 A man with crushed or severed genitals may not enter the assembly of the Lord. 2 A person of illegitimate birth may…

Does God Delight in Destruction?

Today’s devotional is a brief apologetic note. It comes from the blessings and cursing section. The the blessing that is pronounced features some pretty noteworthy warnings, and the curse the is pronounced is… long. Very long. And quite descriptive. And both the blessing and the cursing are conditional on the…

Do Babies Go To Hell?

A number of years ago I was recruited by an outgoing youth pastor to join the transition team. My role was to mentor/advise the younger people on the team who were actually running the Jr/Sr High Youth Groups as well as to run the grade 6-12 Sunday School. It was…

The Praise of the Punished

A simple but challenging thought today. God tells Moses he will not be allowed to go to the promised Land because, like his brother, he "broke faith" (NIV) with God. Moses appealed his conviction, but God's mind was made up. Moses would not be successful in his advocacy as he…

The Power of Positive Thinking

I don't want to get all "Joel Osteen" on everyone, but I think it's worth comparing how Moses' sending of the spies and Joshua's sending of the spies came out quite differently and what conclusions we might draw. Back in Numbers 13 we read about the 12 spies who went…

Let’s Try That Again

This is the testimony of Rahab in Joshua 2:9-11: I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fearof you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of…

Exercising Control In Order To Yield It

All to Jesus I surrender,All to Him I freely give;I will ever love and trust Him,In His presence daily live.I surrender all, I surrender all;All to Thee, my blessed Savior,I surrender all. All To Jesus I Surrender // Judson W. Van DeVenter (1896) This old hymn exemplifies what I want…

The Sun Stood Still… Really?

One of the most contested passages in the entire canon of Scripture. It reads: Then Joshua speaks to YHWH in the day of YHWH’s giving up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he says before the eyes of Israel, “Sun—stand still in Gibeon; and moon—in the Valley of Ajalon”; and the sun stands still, and the moon has stood—until the nation takes vengeance [on] its enemies; is it not written on the Scroll of the Upright, “and the sun stands in the midst of the heavens, and has not hurried to go in—as a perfect day?” And there has not been like that day before it or after it, for YHWH’s listening to the voice of a man; for YHWH is fighting for Israel. Joshua 10:12-14, Literal Standard Version I chose the most literal English translations I could find to talk about this passage. Theories to explain this phenomenon abound but I will briefly touch on the five most…

The Long, Long Awaited Promise

When Moses sent in his 12 spies, only two of them came back with a good report. Caleb and Joshua. Joshua took the mantle of leadership from Moses while Caleb was passed over for that role. But when the time came to send in spies again, Caleb was called on…

Conquest & Compromise

Today's passage has us reading about the land allotments for Judah, Ephriam, and Manasseh. While passage like this with an inventory of town names that mean little to those among us who have never been to Israel or studied ancient geography. But! There is a very interesting pattern that emerges…

Spiritual Leadership

Once Israel moved into the Promised Land and "the land had rest from war" (your translation may vary), the Israelites set up the Tabernacle at Shiloh and worshipped the Lord there. But Joshua challenged some of the tribe who were have a touch of the ol' failure to launch and…

(Un)Fulfilled Promises?

Today's reflection delves into a notable aspect of biblical interpretation: apparent contradictions. While some may relish pointing out such instances to discredit the Bible, it's crucial to engage earnestly with these passages to grasp their deeper meaning. Let's examine Joshua 21:43-45, where it's proclaimed that the Lord fulfilled His promises…

You Are Your Own Witness

At the end of Joshua's life, he recounts the story so far, spanning from God's Covenant with Abraham to the arrival in Canaan. He outlines how God has been faithful and provided and delivered on His promises. And then he ends with an exhortation that I found deeply moving. In…

Did God Drag His Feet?

Yes. Remember when we talked about Joshua saying God had fulfilled His promise, even though the totality of the land was not yet in possession of Israel? It was because God did His part, but the people had to do their part. That is confirmed here in Judges where God…

Whose Will Be Done?

This is one of those passage where there is almost an overwhelming number of options for things to talk about. Why does Shemgar only get a single verse? Was he a contemporary with Deborah? A female judge? How does that square with the idea of leadership roles being reserved only…

The Least & The Greatest

Another day chock-full of all manner of things to dig into, it's hard to choose where to focus. I think I want to take a minute and contrast our man Gideon with the previous judge, Deborah. Now, we don't know either of these people of antiquity overly well, but what…

That IS The Punishment, Dude

Today's devotional is a quick one. The cycle of Judges is that Israel does evil, God punishes Israel, Israel cries out, God raises up a Judge, the Judge delivers Israel, Israel does evil. In this particular example we are looking at the Ammonites. But what I found frankly kind of…

Did God Endorse Child Sacrifice

Can I just say from the outset that many of the Judges are found lacking in terms of character. Just today we've read about Ibzan & Abdon who clearly had multiple wives — and that's the only thing they were known by or remembered for. Samson is a hot mess,…

Using Selfishness For Good

When I look at a guy like Samson, I'm blown away by how terrible this he was. Refused to listen to his parents. Killed 30 men to pay a debt. Visited a prostitute. Tore up the town gate. Married outside the faith. Threw away his vow to God because he…

How Has This Terrible Thing Happened?

The account of the Levite and his concubine is possibly the most horrible account in all of scripture. And it is confined entirely within the nation of Israel. No outside party has a role in the story. It is a story that shocks and conscience and boggles the mind. I…

It Doesn’t Matter What Your Name Is!

Ruth is such a wonderful book. Especially coming off the disaster piece that is the end of Judges. This is a beautiful story and a much-needed palette-cleanser. Choosing what to focus on was challenging because I love so much of this story (ask me about the feet thing sometime). What…

The Prayer of Jabez Revisited

If you like genealogies you will LOVE today's reading. But there is some more interesting tidbits sprinkled in here as well. Like the conclusion to the story of Ruth & Boaz as well as Elkanah's just... really terrible attempt at consoling his wife. But what struck me most today was…

God Isn’t Your Good Luck Charm

There are many things you can point to as proof that the human is not smart. But my personal favorite would have to be that we needed to invent the helmet. What was happening, apparently, was that we were involved in a lot of activities that were cracking our heads.…

The Power of the Invitation

To this point Israel has had 14 judges (including Eli —but not his children— and Samuel). And they all judged Israel for years, and they had some crazy exploits and military victories over the enemies of Israel. But you know what we never see? Repentance. I've talked about that before.…

Was I Wrong?

I have made much the last little while about the lack of repentance on the part of the Israelites during the period of the Judges. And here Samuel says something that seems to have made a liar out of me... Then they cried out to the LORD and admitted, ‘We…

The Beginning of the End

Saul's son Jonathan decides to "go rogue" and take on the Philistines by himself with his armour-bearer and is extremely successful. This is often credited as a great act of faith and trust in the Lord. But is it? Earlier in the story we read that Saul becomes impatient waiting…

Is People-Pleasing Bad?

Saul answered Samuel, “I have sinned. I have transgressed the Lord’s command and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them. 1 Samuel 15:24, CSB Here we have Saul's confession to Samuel that he had been unfaithful to God because he wanted to please people. He…

Be True To Who God Made You To Be

Just a quick thought tonight. Farm boy David offers to fight the giant Goliath, who no one else in the Israelite army is willing to face. King Saul says the very idea is preposterous, but David insists that if God is with him, he will be successful. Saul relents and…

Is Faith Blind?

Psalm 34:8 commends the reader to "Taste and see that the Lord is good". The cultural trope that faith is blind is maddening. God has provided evidence many, many times. He showed proofs to Moses, Pharaoh, and Gideon among others. Jesus offered evidence to Thomas when he doubted. And indeed…

Step Into Your Destiny

Samuel anointed David as the new king over God's people. Now David is hiding in a cave with his merry band of 400 rejects while the current monarch and his bloodthirsty hangers-on plot to assassinate him. And from that circumstance David pens this: 9 I will praise you, Lord, among the…

God’s Timing

David has an opportunity to kill his relentless pursuer; Saul. Egged on by his own troops, David creeps toward Saul with his sword drawn, but at the last moment, rethinks it. And after rethinking it, David decides the life — or the throne — of what he terms "God's anointed one".…

God On My Terms

Saul decides to forego God's path and forges his own way. Yet, somehow, he seems surprised that when he seeks God's guidance He is silent... so he consults a medium... effectively! (But that's a whole thing for some other time) I think this is a temptation common to many of…

Providence, Self-Restraint, & Contradictions

There was too much in today's passage to choose a single item, so here are some quick-hit thoughts on a couple different parts of what we read. Providence: David and his troops set out with the Philistines on their campaign into Israel, but several of the Philistine leaders do not…

David Pours One Out

This account strike anyone else as weird? David was thirsty and said, “How I wish someone would give me some water to drink from the cistern in Bethlehem near the gate!” So the three elite warriors broke through the Philistine forces and drew some water from the cistern in Bethlehem…

What’s In It For Me?

From David's early life, it's easy to see why he became so beloved. His respect for God's plan and timing, his patience, his loyalty, his desire for peace, his goal of unity in the kingdom of Israel. Quite a stark difference from Saul's near-mad behaviour, likely due to the tormenting…

What’s Your Vector of Attack?

While David is separated from Michal (who helped saved his life in his flight from Saul) he married two other women. And here again we are told that he gathered "more" wives and concubines. Most of David's life and actions... 99% (probably MORE than that if we're going by word…

In Defence of Michal

This story is a famous one, which produced the Matt Redman-penned worship chorus "Undignified". The Ark of the Covenant is finally returning to Jerusalem and there is a grand celebration. I imagine it like the arrival of Prince Ali into Agrabah in Disney's "Aladdin". And there is David dancing and…

Because He First Loved You

You were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn't speakYou were my eyes when I couldn't seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn't reachYou gave me faith 'cause you believedI'm everything I amBecause you loved me Celine Dion, Because…

Assuming Motives

David has what might today be described as a "peace treaty" with the Ammonites and their king Nahash, and when Nahash died, David sent some ambassadors to the new king of the Ammonites; his son Hanun. But Hanun listening to the nattering of his commanders who managed to convince him…

Expectations Are A Window Into Your Heart

There is a LOT to discuss in today's passage and really, this episode could be a mini sermon series unto itself. But I won't be talking about David's "affair" with Bathsheba (I use the word "affair" extremely loosely because let's face it, she was nobody, she wasn't going to say…

Polygamy & Misdirected Self-Loathing

It's often pointed out that the Old Testament seems to turn a blind eye to polygamy, even appearing to endorse it in some cases. While this is essentially true outside of the first chapters of Genesis, what we do see consistently throughout the Old Testament is unflinching examination of the…

Polygamy & Misdirected Self-Loathing

It’s often pointed out that the Old Testament seems to turn a blind eye to polygamy, even appearing to endorse it in some cases. While this is essentially true outside of the first chapters of Genesis, what we do see consistently throughout the Old Testament is unflinching examination of the…

Dealing with Nay Sayers

Today's devo is a quick thought, something that hit my heart, but not an exegetical deep-dive. David's son Absalom — still brooding over the injustice in the wake of his sister's rape and his excommunication following his action in avenging that wrong — seeks to take the throne of his father…

Attacking God’s Anointed

David had two opportunities to kill Saul, but refused to attack the Lord's anointed. David's position was that God would deal with Saul in His timing, and David didn't need to insert himself into God's will. And all this after being told by Samuel that he was God's anointed and…

Fickle Friends

Absalom is dead and his coup with him. David returns to Jerusalem, his victory undercut by the death of his son. God's promise that David's sin would lead to his family living (and dying) by the sword is coming to pass. And during his return to Jerusalem several men from…

Recognition & Hope

Today's reading featured two copies of a song David wrote. Despite all that's gone on in David's life to this point, he still lifts the name of God and recognizes all that the Lord has done for him and to deliver him. I made a non-exhaustive list who David says…

(Not) Having All The Answers

I'll just say it... 2 Samuel says that God told David to take a census (then punished him for it), whereas 1 Chronicles says that Satan led David to take a census and then God punished him for it. I find the theories online quite unsatisfying and I find it…

What is Casting Lots Anyway?

Just a brief explainer for today. We see casting lots pop up 25 times in the Bible. The first is God giving directions to Aaron in Leviticus 16:7-9, the final one is the nomination of Mathias in Acts 1:26, and the most secular is the dividing of Jesus' clothes in…

Sola Scriptura

This phrase was the rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation and comes from the Latin: sola meaning “alone” and the word scriptura meaning “writings” (the Scriptures, the Holy BIble). Sola scriptura declares that Scripture alone is authoritative in the life of the Christian as it pertains to matters of faith and truth. The Bible is complete,…

Are Our Prayers Results-Oriented?

While going through today's reading, one verse hit me in the face with the force of a heavyweight boxer. David is praying for his son, Solomon, who will become king. David says, Give my son Solomon the wholehearted desire to obey all your commands, laws, and decrees, and to do…

They Can’t Argue Your Testimony

But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 1 Peter 3:15, NET This verse is as terrifying to some as it is inspiring to others. Do I have to give a whole…

Chariots, Censuses, and Sins

I love this triumphant line from David: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7, NIV Israel fought many foes under David and won because the Lord was with them, which was the point of what Moses recorded: The king,…

Jesus Pointing to David Pointing to Jesus

Every time I read Psalm 22 it blows my mind. This is the one that was quoted by Jesus on the cross, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Read it again and think about this: Jesus could have said *ANYTHING* as He was dying on that cross,…

A Call to Action

David's simple psalm carries a straightforward message. That the one who is not held accountable for his misdeeds is blessed. But when we try to hide our sins away, God allows their consequences to do us harm. It is only once we confess that we are freed from the (spiritual)…

Jealous of Evil?

Sometimes — as I have discussed before — we ask the question, why do good things happen to bad people? Here David addresses that. I can't help but wonder if this was written shortly after David was being persecuted by Saul, who remained king of Israel while David hid in…

Trust the Lord with THAT?!

David was a military king and participated in his fair share of battles, but here in Psalm 55 he declares that the greatest threat is the backstabber in his own midst. Of course we all recognize that it is far worse to be betrayed by a friend than attacked by…

Quick Thoughts

David recognizes that — even as king — he rules and reigns under the King of Kings. Any of us who hold any position of authority should keep that in mind. All authority is the Lord's and it's only on loan to us. We need to be mindful how we use…

Prophecy or Poem?

Psalm 68 has some interesting features. The earth shakes before God (v8). God rescues from death (v20). And the good news is delivered by women (v11). Note the similarities with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Some commenters point out that women celebrating the victory of the king is commonplace…

Emotions Can Make Us Inconsistent

Reading through the Psalms, it's hard to NOT notice that David swings wildly between God being faithful and just and wonderful and gracious to abandoning him in the dirt. Psalm 109 is MOSTLY David talking about his enemies plans and prayer to do him in. 108 has David asking the…

What Does Omniscience Mean?

Psalm 139 has David talking about how God sees everything he does (sitting, standing, laying, speaking!) and even knows his motives. This is exactly what omniscience means ("Omni" being "all" and "science" being "knowledge"); God has all knowledge. There are two things we can take away from the fact that…

The Saddest Psalm

There are many "Psalms of Lament" but Psalm 88 stands out for being unrelenting. In fact, while the book of Psalms has a reputation for being soul salve, this one might leave you feeling worse after you finish it than you felt before you started! Yet, I believe that even…

Are You Serious? You Should Be.

It is clear that — even in under the old covenant — God was calling all nations to Himself. He had a great many rules about the foreigners who lived among His chosen people. Rahab of Jericho AND Ruth of Moab are both in the line of David and of Jesus! Psalm…

Hidden in the Familiar

Psalm 78:2-3a says, "I will sing a song that imparts wisdom; I will make insightful observations about the past. What we have heard and learned (NET)" And I was struck by how often that happens to me. I will read a well-trodden, often discussed, and much taught passage, say... John 3:16, and…

What is the Wrath of God?

When we think of or hear about the 'wrath of God', the temptation is strong to imagine a vengeful God having a fit of rage and throwing fistfuls of lightning bolts down on a wicked populace to strike them dead. This idea comes from the capricious human-like gods popularized in…

Can God Still Work Through Me If I Suck?

I'll just say it, I find David's orders to his son to kill Joab and Shimei to be deeply troubling. If Joab had done something worthy of death, then David should have killed him. But David did not, likely because Joab provided an incredible amount of utility to him. Then…

Cut The Baby In Half!

(An excursus on selfishness) This is a very famous and very crazy story. Two prostitutes who are also roommates (it would make sense for the prostitutes to room together, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more than just the two) give birth around the same time. One woman's baby…

What Does it Mean to be Good at Something?

Today's devotional is a simple one. In 1 Kings 7:14b we read, "Huram was filled with wisdom, with understanding and with knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work". Note that there are 3 words used to describe Huram's ability to work with bronze. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Wisdom. Understanding. Knowledge.…

Does God Demand Perfection?

During the dedication of the temple, Solomon offers a lengthy prayer before the assembly. This portion stood out for me: “When they sin against you—for there is no one who does not sin—and you become angry with them and give them over to their enemies, who take them captive to their…

Starting Well vs Finishing Well

Solomon finishes building the temple and the glory of the Lord fills it. It is an awe-inspiring moment, Solomon prays to dedicate the temple and the people make sacrifices to the Lord and good times are had by all. Then God appears before Solomon in a theophany and says that…

The Consequences of Compromise

Compromise has amassed quite a following for itself. We tend to see it as an almost-ideal solution to thorny problems. And often that is true. Often compromise is a great solution, but not always. We should not always default to compromising, instead assessing the situation and determining what course of…

Stream of Consciousness or Connected Thoughts?

Sometimes when we read the Bible is seems like we get whiplash! We're following along in the flow when all of a sudden we are ambushed from out of nowhere by something we never expected and seemingly totally unrelated. A lot of teachers seem content to say, "Well, I guess…

Knowledge is Power

We've all heard this adage somewhere... the first time I heard it was on the title screen of Mortal Kombat 3 for my Super Nintendo. But regardless of the source, if it's true, it's true. And this sentiment is echoed loudly in Proverbs 2. The NLT titles this chapter "The…

Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much

As I've written about before, we tend to believe that people think about things and will react to think in the same manner that we do — this is the false consensus effect. And it's funny to me when we watch Solomon warn so effusively about the "immoral woman" (ignoring…

Wisdom vs Foolishness

Today's reading has this sort of smackdown between these two personified attributes of wisdom and folly. Both sit on the rooftops, calling out to passers by. So then, while God does not withhold His wisdom, but offers it freely to those who will take it (seemingly as a part of…

Choose Your Fighter

We've hit the point in Proverbs where there is a steady theme of widsom vs folly, but there isn't necessarily any connective tissue from one verse to the next as this section is essentially putting forward various scenarios that contrast a wise and foolish approach. As you read through today's…

Do I Know What’s Best?

It's fun to look for emerging themes as we read through the Proverbs and today's theme struck me as the very theme highlighted by a proverb appears TWICE near the beginning and ending of today's reading. Here it is: There is a way that appears to be right,    but in the…

Listen First, Then Speak

Another day in the Proverbs, another day of hearing things that directly challenge and encourage me. I know people refer to the Psalms and Soul Salve, but for me Proverbs fits that bill much better. And today the theme that jumped out and struck me was about listening. About gathering…

Exploring Themes

Today I decided to write down the overarching theme that I perceived in each Proverb. With each additional Proverb, I would consult my list, if it fit with one of the existing themes, I would add a tick mark beside it, otherwise I would write down a new theme. At…

Building Good Study Habits

I was a pretty bright kid. This meant that academically stuff came pretty easy to me. It was even suggested to my parents that I skip ahead a grade. My mother declined that offer, however. And the downside to being a bright kid and having academics come pretty easily to…

What Is Love? (Baby, Don’t Hurt Me)

I'll be the first to admit that poetry really doesn't do it for me. Psalms are rarely where I turn outside of my reading plan, and Song of Songs is similar. It's just not how I'm made. I love the narrative of Job and the practicality of the Proverbs, but…

The Unrighteous Righteous

Throughout Kings we have seen David described as righteous over and over again. We are told that he obeyed all the laws and regulations of the Lord and — if you're like me — the justice side of your brain is hollering, "WHAT!?" Is this the same David who married foreign…

Living in the Past

Ecclesiastes gets a bad rap for being "depressing" or "melancholy" or whatever. But I find it a fascinating and focusing read. What are we giving our time to? Is it something worthwhile or another bullet on Solomon's massive list of things that are "meaningless"? To that end, this passage from…

Everything is a Gift from the Lord… Even That!

Our church recently brought on a young man as a pastoral intern who was in charge of the music ministry. I told him that this position was a lightning rod and to mentally prepare for people to be upset with choice he made. But I also said he should do…

On Leadership & Submission

I find this beginning of the "Divided Kingdom" era fascinating. Rehoboam is the rightful heir to the throne, but God decides to remove the kingdom from him because of the sins of his father, Solomon1. So God makes a promise to Jeroboam2 that if he honours the Lord in the…

Who Are You Gonna Believe?

There is a brief but interesting story that takes place between two unnamed men in today's reading. One is simply referred to as the "man of God" and the other is only known as the "old prophet". The Man of God goes to Jeroboam, the now-apostate king of Israel, and…

Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?

We are told that Asa is a good king of Judah and that he did not do evil in the sight of the Lord. BUT... when the kingdom of Israel starts closing in on his territory, he quickly seeks aid from a foreign nation — Aram — even paying them from…

God in the Chaos?

After embarrassing the prophets of Baal, the king's wife — Jezebel — swears out a death sentence against Elijah. And so he fled. God sustained him through the journey and brought him to Mt Sinai. Then we have the famous story of Elijah's experience of the wind and earthquake and fire,…

Is Affirmation the Same Thing as Friendship?

2 Chronicles 18:1-8 tells the story of a synergy between the two halves of the divided kingdom of Israel. With Judah's upright and Godly King Jehoshaphat and Israel's wayward and hapless King Ahab meeting as the latter asks the former to aid him in recovering territory lost to an enemy…

If God’s Going To Take Care Of It… Do I Need To Do Anything?

Yes. We see a plan between several nations to attack Judah and King Jehoshaphat is very nervous about this, so what does he do? He prays to the Lord for guidance and sends out a command to the whole nation of Judah that they are to fast and seek the…

Power is a Corrupting Influence

Judah had some suspect kings, but then Asa rode in to the rescue and brought them back to God. His son, Jehoshaphat also did a good job as a king. But His son, Jehoram quickly turned his back on God and murdered his brothers to consolidate power. The thing is…

Did God Send Bears to Maul Children?

This is a common misconception that has been addressed a great many times. I'm not going to say anything revolutionary here. But this misunderstanding mostly arises from the King James Version translation, which reads: 23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by…

Spiritual Elements to Physical Battles

I don't have a lot to say about today's reading — even though a LOT happens — because I just want to highlight one single line... The king of Aram is fed up with Elisha always knowing what's coming and foiling his plans over and over again. So he decides it's…

Should We Desire To Be Used By God?

While I think we can all agree that being used by God is a good thing, I would like to highlight that it is necessary, but not sufficient. I have made this argument many times throughout my writings. We have seen many people who were indifferent towards God, far from…

Choosing Our Friends

Young Joash is made king of Judah when he is just 7 years old. Jehoiada the priest oversees his reign and provides guidance and protection for the first 23+ years of his reign. But right after Jehoiada the priest died a new band of hangers-on came to Joash with super…

Satan is a Bad Counsellor

When King Joash's mentor (the priest Jehoiada) died, and new set of advisors quickly stepped in to fill the vacuum. And they led him away from the Lord. They led him so far from the Lord that when Jehoiada's son Zechariah came to Joash to challenge him, Joash had him…

The Lord’s Glory in Our Failures

When we think of Jonah, we often think about the man and the "great fish" (most likely a sperm whale, if you're interested) and Nineveh and Jonah's temper tantrum at the end. But I've never heard anyone spend time talking about the sailors who threw him overboard. They knew he…

Can God Still Love Me?

God gives Amos a vision to share with Israel it starts with a warning against Israel's enemies of coming calamity because of their treatment of God's chosen people. I'm sure that seemed all well and good, until God — and Amos — turned their attention to Israel herself. Much more…

Consistency is King

I'm not sure where it came from — and don't care to look it up — but over the years I've heard some variation of the phrase, "60% of the time, it works every time!" Of course the whole joke is that whatever the product or service is, it only works…

Strong, Humble Leadership

Let me paint a picture: the King of Judah (not a good man) has just been attacked and ransacked by Kings Rezin & Pekah (of Aram/Syria & Israel, respectively) with many valuables and captives taken — though the people would be returned shortly afterward. And Isaiah comes to Ahaz, the aforementioned…

Don’t Take Too Much Credit

As I'm fond of saying, God using you to accomplish His purposes is not necessarily good news for you. Here in Isaiah we have another prime example of that in the King of Assyria who God intends to use to bring His vengeance on Israel. But what's interesting to me…

Getting it Twisted

One of the more surprising things in the Gospel of John is when Jesus says that He must be lifted up by God in the same way that Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. If we go back to that snake in the desert, we see that God…

Is Marital Sex for Personal Gratification?

No. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. In all seriousness, the answer is 'no'. Of course it's okay if you enjoy sex (within the bounds of Biblical marriage), but enjoyment is not why God created it. Sex actually serves two purposes. One is the production of children. God told…

God is a Gentleman

I grew up Catholic, which meant that God was far away and most waiting with a big stick to whack me if I stepped out of line. Eventually I became an agnostic and that lasted into my teen years. Then I got saved in a Pentecostal church when I was…

One Small Mistake Gone Uncorrected

Well, it's finally happened. The sin of the northern kingdom of Israel has lead to their dispossession of the land and their captivity in Assyria. They were cheats, liars, murders, drunks, idolators, adulterers, and even child-sacrificers, yet not none of those are the reason their land is dispossessed. No, Israel…

Destruction of the Flesh

The latter part of Isaiah 1 paints a powerful and rather interesting portrait of Israel. In verses 21-23 God lays out the charges against her. Israel is a prostitute, a murderer, worthless, weak, rebels, thieves, bought & sold, and calloused in their heart and spirit. Verses 24-25a have God bringing…

Indicting God

Isaiah 13:13-16 reads: Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of his burning anger. Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, they will all return to their own people, they will flee to their native land.…

Are You Unredeemable?

No. That's it. No. I think this is hilariously accurately summed up by the Backstreet Boys who said, "I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you've done... as long as you love me." This idea struck me as I was reading today's passage about the great (if…

Walled Cities & Self Control

In the time of King Hezekiah's rule all the big cities were walled. This helped with protection during a very command-and-conquest period in human civilization. Obviously these walls served a role that is difficult to overstate. This was THE primary method of defence. Just look at what happened to Jericho!…

Barefoot & Pregnant in the Kitchen

There is a picture in the minds of people about the so-called "Proverbs 31 Woman". She is quiet, reserved, raises the children, and keeps the home. And maintains a Godly disposition throughout. Frankly, I think this is based on some twisted, idealized Stepford Wife male fantasy... because it is certainly…

Ever Felt Alone? You Aren’t the Only One

I was struck reading Psalm 42 today. You're probably familiar with the first two lines: As the deer pants for water, so my soul longs for You. But the Psalmist (identified only as a descendant of Korah) goes on to talk about how God feels far away. He knows that…

The Uselessness of Jealousy

Psalm 49:16-19 says... Do not be overawed when others grow rich,    when the splendor of their houses increases;for they will take nothing with them when they die,    their splendor will not descend with them.Though while they live they count themselves blessed—    and people praise you when you prosper—they will join those who have gone…

Delight in the Law… Really?

For YEARS after I returned to the church around age 13 I was always perplexed by this idea of delighting in the law, yet we see it pop up in the Psalms on multiple occasions. So what's the deal with that? Doesn't the law limit our freedom? Doesn't it put…

Sing to the Lord. Do it Now.

Just a quick thought today. Several times throughout the Psalms we are told to sing to the Lord. Not the more broad "worship", but specifically singing. Why? Let's pop that question in our pockets for a sentence or two while I describe my ideal Sunday service for you all. I…

Everything. All of it.

I've said before that poetry really isn't my thing. When it comes to reading my Bible, I love the history, the theology, the wisdom, and even the law! Leviticus is drastically underrated. But Psalms has never been a book that I particularly look forward to reading when it comes up.…

Are there gods Other Than the God of Israel?

No. There are not1. So then what do we make of the other gods that people worship? We have no problem saying they are 'false', or 'not real', or even 'idols', but these are all more pleasant euphemisms. None of the other gods from Baal & Molech to Zeus &…

Foiling God’s Plan

Psalm 114 is an interesting one. It describes the flight from Egypt by the nation of Israel and describes the earth in some unique terms. The sea "flees", the river "turns back", the mountains and hills "leap". The language is curious and worth thinking about because the author then asks…

Glory & Pride

Glory and pride. One is God's and the other comes before the fall. What are we to do with our successes and achievements? Is self-loathing the answer? Years ago I was approached by a woman after I had led worship (I think) and she praised the work I had done.…

Lying to Ourselves

First of all... take some time and read Psalm 119. It is wonderful. And I say this as someone who is rather ambivalent about poetry generally speaking. But I took over a page and a half of notes during today's reading. So good. Anyway, the fourth section — verse 29 —…

The Need for Christian Leadership

Psalm 125:3 (NLT) says, "The wicked will not rule the land of the godly, for then the godly might be tempted to do wrong." This verse highlights a profound truth about the influence of leadership on the moral and spiritual health of a community. The importance of Christian leaders in…

We Become What We Worship

I was floored reading Psalm 135 this morning. Particularly verses 15-18. For the sake of completeness of understanding, here are those verses (in the New Living Translation): The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and…

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

The battle-cry of Chaplain Lt H. M. Forgy aboard the USS New Orleans during the attack on Pearl Harbour in WWII. Just the thought of it today causes Christians to recoil in horror. Imagine! Associating God with war?? Crazytownbananapants! Ot is it? I think Christians write-large would also recoil in…

The Shocking Truth About Why We’re Struggling—And the One Thing We Keep Overlooking!

Isaiah 18-23 predicts doom and gloom for many nations including Egypt, Ethiopia, Edom, Arabia, and even Jerusalem. What I found interesting is how all these nations have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide... except Jerusalem. They are the chosen nation of the Most High God, the God who is…

The Surprising Hope Hidden in Isaiah’s Doom and Gloom

Isaiah 24-27, often called the "Apocalypse of Isaiah," delivers a stern message of global judgment. Nations are brought low, the earth is laid waste, and its inhabitants scattered. This grim portrayal continues into chapter 29, where Jerusalem faces severe consequences for their rebellion. However, nestled within these chapters of destruction…

Are Your Plans Aligned with God’s Will?

As I read Isaiah 30:1-5 this morning, I was struck by the gravity of making plans without consulting God. The passage vividly describes such actions as sinful and rebellious. In these verses, the Israelites sought alliances with Egypt instead of seeking God’s guidance. This decision, made without divine consultation, led…

Embracing Correction

As a Little League coach, I teach kids the fundamentals of baseball. One day, while playing catch with my own son, I noticed that some of the harder thrown balls that came near his head caused him to flinch and close his eyes. I always ask him, "Will the ball…

True For You

During today's reading I was struck by Micah's unflinching indictment of the people of Israel: "Your inhabitants are liars and their tongues speak deceitfully." This isn't just a casual mention of dishonesty; it's a profound commentary on the state of their hearts. They had become so accustomed to lying that…

The Power & Purpose of Prayer

The satirical words of Lisa Simpson, "Prayer, the last refuge of a scoundrel," reflect a common cultural perception: that prayer is a desperate act, a last-ditch effort when all else fails. While this may be true for some, it stands in stark contrast to the biblical understanding of prayer as…

The Imperishable Purpose of Our Perishable Possessions

In the narratives of 2 Kings, Isaiah, and 2 Chronicles, we read about a moment in King Hezekiah's life that serves as a profound lesson for all of us. After recovering from a life-threatening illness through God’s miraculous intervention, Hezekiah proudly shows the envoys from Babylon all the treasures of…

An Inexhaustible God

In Isaiah 40:28-31, we are reminded of the vast difference between human strength and God's inexhaustible power. The prophet Isaiah writes: Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV): Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow…

Furnace of Affection

Isaiah 48:10 speaks of God's refining process, a crucial aspect of His relationship with Israel and His people today. This verse is part of a larger section (Isaiah 44:6-48:11) where God emphasizes His sovereignty, the futility of idols, and His commitment to redeem and refine His people. In these chapters,…

Whom Shall I Fear

The passage from Isaiah 48:12-52:12 spans God's assurance of His unchanging nature, His promise of redemption, and the Servant's role in bringing salvation. Throughout these chapters, the underlying message is clear: God's power and judgment are eternal, while human opinions and actions are fleeting. Isaiah 48:12-13 emphasizes God’s eternal sovereignty:…

The Angry God?

As I read through Isaiah today, I was struck by the profound transformation in the relationship between God and His people. The manifestation of God's anger is pivotal in this shift. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God's anger depicted as wrath and judgement, yet still aiming to guide His…

Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing

In Isaiah 58, the prophet addresses a people who are outwardly religious but whose hearts are far from God. They fast and engage in rituals, yet their actions are marred by injustice and a lack of compassion. The text reveals a profound disconnect between their religious observances and their daily…

An Unapologetic Apologetic

Today's reading from Isaiah 63:15-66:24 unveils a profound narrative where God appeals to His people, calling them out of their rebellion and into a relationship with Him. This passage vividly illustrates how God reaches out, not just through spiritual means, but through a comprehensive appeal that encompasses historical, scientific, and…

Monkey See, Monkey Do

The leadership styles and legacies of Hezekiah, his son Manasseh, and his grandson Josiah, as recorded in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 33, offer profound insights into the importance of godly leadership. The contrast between these three kings highlights the truth of the adage, "as the leadership goes, so…

Making Priorities a Priority

In Jeremiah 2:32, God laments through the prophet, "Does a young woman forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number." This verse captures a powerful metaphor, comparing the people's forgetfulness of God to something unthinkable — a bride forgetting her wedding…

The Whole Council of God

In 2 Kings 22:8-13 and 2 Chronicles 34:14-21, we read about a significant moment in Judah's history. During the reign of King Josiah, the high priest Hilkiah discovered the Book of the Law in the temple. This discovery had a profound impact on Josiah and the nation. Upon hearing the…


In today's reading from 2 Kings 23:1-28 and 2 Chronicles 34:29-35:19, we see King Josiah's zealous reforms in Judah. His commitment to God is evident as he destroys items associated with idol worship. Despite their material value, these objects were detestable to him because they were dedicated to other gods.…

Longsuffering Wrath

In today's reading from Habakkuk and Zephaniah, we see a profound theme: God’s longsuffering nature, even in the execution of His wrath. The Lord, in His justice, speaks not only to His chosen people but also to the surrounding nations, warning them of impending judgment. This demonstrates His desire for…

Useless Defiance

The story of King Josiah's demise is a sobering reminder that human plans cannot override God's will. Josiah was a devout king who led significant religious reforms in Judah, rediscovering the Book of the Law and purging idolatry. However, his downfall came when he chose to intercept Pharaoh Neco of…

Tell Me What I Want To Hear

In Jeremiah 26:11, we see the priests and prophets accusing Jeremiah of treason for delivering a prophecy of doom: "This man deserves the sentence of death because he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your own ears." Jeremiah's words were not what the people wanted to…

Fear of the Lord

The concept of the "fear of the Lord" is central to understanding the relationship between God and His people. This fear is not just a terror of God’s power and judgment, but a profound respect, reverence, and awe for His holiness, authority, and righteousness. In today's reading, we see a…

God’s Not Done With You Yet

Even in the darkest moments, when it feels like everything is lost or you've strayed too far from God, He still has a plan for you. This truth is powerfully illustrated in the lives of the exiles in Daniel 1 and the prophecy given in Jeremiah 19-20. In Daniel 1,…

What Do You Need?

In Daniel 2, Daniel is faced with an impossible task: interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar's dream without even knowing what the dream was. This situation could have been overwhelming, but instead of panicking, Daniel turned to God. He knew that he didn't have the ability to interpret the dream on his own,…

My Own Hero

In today's reading of Jeremiah 8:4-11:23, we see a powerful depiction of human stubbornness and self-deception. God observes that when people fall, they don’t get up again; when they turn away, they don’t turn back. Instead, they persist in their own way, often thinking they are justified in their actions.…

Beware the Holy Huddle

In Jeremiah 15, we see a profound tension between God’s judgment and His love. At the end of the chapter, God speaks of separating the precious from the vile, calling Jeremiah to be His mouthpiece. This passage highlights an important truth: it’s not enough to merely separate ourselves from sinful…

Perspective on Perspective

I've always said that a change in perspective changes everything else, and that really came to the fore for me today. When we read prophetic books like Jeremiah, it’s easy to imagine that the “wicked people” he rebukes are those far from God, outsiders to the faith. But the more…

How Will You Lead?

I've always been struck by the profound responsibility that comes with leadership, particularly in the church. Reading through Jeremiah 22-23, I couldn't help but feel the weight of God's words directed at the leaders of Israel. As a leader, these passages serve as a sobering reminder that shepherding God's people…

More Than Survival

Jeremiah 29:11 is often quoted as a promise of God's good plans for our lives, especially during moments of transition or uncertainty. It's a verse frequently found in graduation cards, spoken over young people as they step into the next chapter of their lives. But the context of this verse…

When God Stops Protecting

When we read about the judgment on Assyria and Babylon, it might seem perplexing. How can God punish them for carrying out actions that fulfilled His will? But the answer is deceptively simple: God did not force these nations to act. Instead, He removed His protection from Israel, allowing them…

For Now Isn’t Forever

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves adjusting to our circumstances, whether they be moments of joy or seasons of hardship. This adjustment, while necessary, can sometimes deceive us into believing that our current situation is permanent. Psychologists refer to this tendency as the "status quo bias," where…

Consuming Conviction

In Ezekiel 3, we encounter the striking image of the prophet being instructed to eat a scroll. This was not just any scroll but one filled with words of "lamentation and mourning and woe" (Ezekiel 2:10). Despite its bitter content, when Ezekiel obeys and consumes the scroll, it tastes "as…

Defeat as Discipline

In today’s readings, we encounter a challenging truth: not every obstacle or hardship is meant to be overcome. Sometimes, the “bad things” that happen to us are actually God’s way of protecting or disciplining us. Ezekiel 3:20 (NLT) presents a sobering warning: “If righteous people turn away from their righteous…

Perverting Worship

Worship is more than singing songs or performing rituals; it is the expression of our reverence, love, and obedience to God. True worship is rooted in the recognition of God’s holiness, majesty, and authority. It involves aligning our hearts and actions with God's will, living in a way that honors…

Loving People to Death

Ezekiel 13:22 says, “You have discouraged the righteous with your lies, but I didn't want them to be sad. And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even though they continue in their sins” (NLT). This passage is a sharp rebuke against false prophets who, rather than warning…

The Love You Seek

In Ezekiel 16, God compares Jerusalem to an unfaithful bride who, instead of being grateful for His love and provision, turns to other lovers—false gods and worldly alliances. The tragic truth is that she receives the kind of love she seeks: a love that uses her, takes everything from her,…

God Speaks on Deconstruction

In today’s world, deconstruction has become a common response to the discomfort many feel when confronted with aspects of the Christian faith that challenge modern sensibilities. Often, people begin to question, and eventually reject, core doctrines or moral teachings because they believe God’s ways don’t align with what they perceive…

Merciful Judgement

As we read through Ezekiel 20:1-22:16, one of the most striking themes is the tension between God’s judgment and His mercy. The passage reveals a pattern of Israel’s repeated rebellion against God, contrasted with God’s persistent mercy. The phrase that stands out is, "You will know I am the Lord…

The Allure of Destruction

Sin and evil rarely present themselves as dangerous or destructive. Instead, they are often wrapped in enticing packages, appealing to our fleshly desires and offering fleeting moments of pleasure. Whether it's indulging in a secret sin, embracing a lifestyle that contradicts God's commands, or simply turning a blind eye to…

Grief, Glory, and God’s Eternal Purposes

Grief is a complex and deeply personal experience that manifests in various ways. Some people express it openly, with tears and lament, while others may internalize their sorrow, showing little outward signs of their inner turmoil. The Christian response to grief is multifaceted. We are called to mourn with those…

Rightly Jealous: Understanding God’s Jealousy

Jealousy is bad. Paul tells us so in Galatians 5. So why do we constantly read about God's "good" jealousy in passages like today's reading? See, when we think of jealousy, it's easy to imagine something negative—a destructive emotion rooted in envy or insecurity. Yet, when we read about God’s…

The Dangerous Mistress of Success

In Ezekiel 28:16, we see the fall of Tyre, a city once renowned for its wealth, beauty, and power. Tyre was a prominent trade center in the ancient world, its merchants known for their success and influence. However, with prosperity came pride, and with pride came corruption. The very success…

Why Your Life Needs to Burn Down… Sometimes

When I read today's passage, one thought struck me above the others: Israel, now “desolate,” would finally have its “Sabbath Rest.” This isn’t just about a nation lying in ruins—it’s about the spiritual renewal that only comes after the flames of destruction have swept through. Imagine a forest. For centuries,…

Perspectives From the Valley

Today, I found myself reflecting on Lamentations 2-4. These chapters are heavy with sorrow, painting a vivid picture of Israel’s suffering. Yet, amid the devastation, one idea struck me: tragedy has a way of bringing into sudden and sharp focus what is truly valuable. It’s ironic, isn’t it? In our…

It’s Okay to Grieve

In today's readings from Lamentations 5, Obadiah 1, and Jeremiah 40-41, we're reminded that even the most faithful servants of God, like Jeremiah, experience deep grief and sorrow. Jeremiah, who had prophesied the eventual restoration and glory of Jerusalem, was still profoundly affected by the immediate devastation and loss that…

Ignoring God’s Warnings? Why Defiance Leads to Disaster

In Jeremiah 44:16-17, the people of Judah blatantly refuse to listen to the prophet’s warnings. They declare their intention to continue worshiping the "Queen of Heaven," a pagan deity, despite knowing the consequences of their idolatry. This brazen attitude—choosing their own way over God's commands—is strikingly similar to what we…

Relentless Pursuit: God’s Unyielding Love for the Lost

In Ezekiel 34, we find a powerful portrayal of God as the Good Shepherd who pursues His lost sheep with relentless love and compassion. The shepherds of Israel had failed miserably, prioritizing their own gain over the well-being of their flock. Yet, even in the face of such leadership failure,…

The Impossible God

In Ezekiel 37, the prophet is taken to a valley filled with dry bones—symbolic of the hopeless state of Israel in exile. Humanly speaking, these bones are beyond hope, but God commands Ezekiel to prophesy over them, and they come to life, forming a vast army. This powerful vision serves…

Son of Man — What Does THAT Mean?

During today’s reading, I again noticed Ezekiel being constantly referred to as the "son of man." So I would like to briefly explore what this phrase means, where we see it in Scripture, and why it is significant. In the case of Ezekiel, "son of man" is meant to underscore…

Real History, Real People, Real Events: The Tangible Roots of the Christian Faith

The Bible is not just a collection of spiritual teachings but also a document deeply rooted in real history, involving real people and events. Today's reading from 1 Chronicles 5:18–26; 6:3b–15, 49; 7:1–8:28 emphasizes the genealogies and tribal histories of Israel, highlighting the tangible reality of the biblical narrative. These…

God’s Blueprint for Restoration: What Ezekiel 40 Teaches Us Today

In Ezekiel 40, we encounter a remarkable vision that paints a vivid picture of hope and restoration. Set during a time of exile for the Israelites, this passage offers a glimpse of a future temple that symbolizes God's enduring presence among His people. While the detailed measurements and structures may…

Why God’s Perfect Plan Can Bring Us Shame—and Healing

In Ezekiel 43:10-11, God commands the prophet to share the vision of the temple with His people, saying, "Describe the temple to the people of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their sins." This might seem strange at first—why would the description of something as beautiful as God's temple…

Going Through the Motions? The Call to True Holiness

During today’s reading, I was struck by how the people of Israel seemed to treat the temple and its associated rituals as mere routines, missing the deeper significance. This echoes God’s command to His people in Leviticus 19:2: “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” The call to…

From a Trickle to a Torrent: When God’s Life Flows Through You

In Ezekiel 47, we read about a river flowing from the temple, starting as a trickle but quickly becoming a mighty, life-giving stream. As the river moves, it transforms everything in its path, bringing life to barren lands and healing even the salty, lifeless Dead Sea. This vision is more…

Perfect Predictions: Why Prophecy Matters

In Daniel 8, we find one of the most remarkable examples of fulfilled prophecy in the Bible. This vision, given to Daniel around 550 B.C., speaks of the rise and fall of future empires in stunning detail. What makes this prophecy even more extraordinary is how perfectly it aligns with…

Condemned by History: the Shocking Reality of Human Justice

As we read through Daniel 6, the brutal reality of life in the ancient world hits hard. Those who conspired against Daniel—along with their wives and children—are thrown into the lions' den. This kind of punishment, common in the ancient Near East, feels almost incomprehensible to us today. It serves…

Not All Help Is Good Help: How to Protect Your Purpose

In today's reading, the Israelites return from exile with a clear mission: to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This was more than just a construction project; it was about restoring their spiritual connection with God. Yet, in the midst of their work, they faced a dilemma. When neighboring groups offered…

The All-Knowing God

In Daniel 10-12, we see an astonishing display of God’s foreknowledge through the angel’s revelation of events that would unfold in Israel’s future. The prophecy is so detailed and accurate that many scholars have marveled at how perfectly it aligns with historical events. Some have even questioned whether it could…

Accidental Righteousness? I Don’t Think So

In Haggai 2, the prophet speaks to the remnant of Israel after their return from exile, addressing their efforts to rebuild the temple. In verses 10–19, God uses a powerful illustration to make a point about purity and defilement. He asks the priests whether holiness can be transferred through mere…

Unstoppable: Turning Opposition into Victory

In Ezra 5-6, we witness an incredible story of persistence, faith, and divine intervention. The Israelites, in the midst of rebuilding the temple, are confronted by local authorities who question their right to continue the work. These officials demand proof of authorization, but instead of ceasing their efforts, the Israelites…

Christ’s Return: The Prophetic Power of the Mount of Olives

In Zechariah 14:4, we read of an incredible moment in prophetic history: "On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain…

The Illusion of Human Power

Esther 1:10-22 offers us a fascinating glimpse into the dynamics of power and authority. Xerxes, the king, is used to absolute control over his empire and, apparently, over his household as well. His command for Queen Vashti to appear before his banquet guests as a display of her beauty is…

To Scheme Or Not To Scheme

The story of Haman's downfall in Esther 5-7 is a powerful example of how God uses even the wicked schemes of people to accomplish His purposes. Haman, filled with pride and hatred for Mordecai, had a 75-foot pike set up with the intention of executing him. He believed this would…

Seek God, Not The Wall

In the book of Ezra, the Israelites returned from exile with a daunting task ahead of them—rebuilding the temple and eventually the protective wall around Jerusalem. Here we see that the construction of the temple is allowed and completed, but the wall around the city is delayed. Why was the…

When God’s Commands Collide: Wrestling with Ezra’s Divorce Edict

The story in Ezra 9-10, where Israel’s leaders command the people to divorce their foreign wives and send away their children, can be deeply unsettling. It seems unthinkable for a people called by God to care for the vulnerable, to suddenly turn their backs on their wives and children. Our…

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt: Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

Nehemiah faced multiple forms of opposition as he sought to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Sanballat, Tobiah, and others continually tried to disrupt the work through various tactics: intimidation, discouragement, and disinformation. Each of these methods is a classic tactic used to sow fear and confusion, causing people to doubt…

The Wound That Heals: Conviction vs Condemnation

In Nehemiah 7:4-8:12, we see a powerful moment where the people of Israel come together to hear the Word of God read aloud after years of exile. It’s not just about listening to the words; the people are actively seeking to understand them. Ezra, alongside the Levites, reads and explains…

Rules to Live By… Literally!

The Law of Moses was not only spiritual but eminently practical, designed to lead to human flourishing. When Nehemiah reflects on the people's disobedience, he emphasizes that following God's regulations brought life. This isn't just because of obedience in the abstract, but because the Law itself was crafted to promote…

Depth in the Details

Sometimes, as we go through Scripture, we encounter sections that can feel difficult to draw insights from. Lists of names, genealogies, and city assignments might seem irrelevant to us today, but every part of Scripture is inspired by God and holds a purpose. Even if it doesn’t seem obvious at…

Rekindling Our Heart for Worship

In Malachi 1, the people of Israel express their frustration and weariness with serving the Lord, implying that it’s too hard to follow His commands. They turned their noses up at the sacrifices they were asked to make, offering blemished animals and half-hearted service. What was intended to be an…

The Cosmic Deadline

In the book of Joel, we are given a prophetic glimpse of the final days—a time when the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all people, and the clock will start ticking toward the ultimate “Day of the Lord.” We’ve already seen part of this prophecy fulfilled at Pentecost…

Unexpected Heroes: The Women Who Shaped Salvation

When we read through the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1, we’re confronted with an unexpected detail: the inclusion of five women. In a time when genealogies typically traced lineage through men, the appearance of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary stands out. But what’s even more striking is why these women,…

Empowered to Speak: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Us

As we read through Luke 1:39-2:40 and Matthew 1:18-25, one pattern stands out: when the Holy Spirit filled people, they spoke prophetic words. Elizabeth, Zechariah, Simeon—all of them, when filled with the Spirit, declared truths about God’s promises and the Messiah. Even the angel's words to Joseph can be seen…

From Bloodline to Faith: Jesus’ Better Covenant

John’s powerful rebuke to the crowds gathered at the Jordan River reveals a profound shift in God’s plan for salvation. When John tells the crowd that their claim to Abraham as their forefather isn’t enough to save them (Matthew 3:9), he’s laying the groundwork for a new covenant that Jesus…

God of the Gaps

In John 2, we find the account of Jesus’ first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding feast. It’s a familiar story, but there’s a powerful lesson tucked into the dialogue between Jesus and His mother, Mary. When the wine ran out, a potentially embarrassing situation for the hosts,…

What Does It Mean to Worship “In the Spirit”?

In John 4, Jesus has an unexpected conversation with a Samaritan woman. As they talk, the topic of worship comes up. The woman points out that Jews worship in Jerusalem, while her people, the Samaritans, worship on Mount Gerizim. She’s focused on the location — the outward, physical expression of…

When Jesus Calls

In the Gospels, we see a remarkable moment when Jesus calls His first disciples. While they were going about their everyday lives—fishing by the shore, mending their nets—Jesus walks up and simply says, “Follow me.” And just like that, they drop everything and follow Him. What’s most surprising is the…

Escaping Christian Celebrity Culture: A Lesson from Jesus

In today's Christian world, there's a growing trend that mirrors the celebrity culture we see in entertainment—prominent pastors, authors, and Christian leaders who garner massive followings and media attention. But when we examine the life of Jesus, we find a stark contrast. In Luke 5, Mark 2, and Matthew 9,…

Perseverance of the Saints: A Redefinition

There are few questions in the Christian life more significant than that of salvation: How secure is it? Is salvation something that can be lost, or is it a permanent state once we come to faith? This question touches on core aspects of how we understand God’s love, our responsibility,…

Worship Without Walls: Making Peace with Others

Reading through Mark 3, Luke 6, and Matthew 5, we come across a powerful teaching that echoes across all three Gospels: the importance of reconciliation with others before offering anything to God. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus says, "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember…

Crushing Anxiety: Jesus’ Challenge to a Control-Obsessed Culture

Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:34 to “not worry about tomorrow” may seem nearly impossible to apply in today’s fast-paced, future-oriented culture. The demands of work, family, finances, and even church life often leave us anxious about what lies ahead. But this command speaks just as powerfully now as it did…

Forgiven Little, Loving Less: Why You Might Be Missing the Full Picture

In Luke 7:36-50, we find the story of a sinful woman who interrupts a dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. She falls at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and pours expensive perfume on His feet, wiping them with her hair. Simon is shocked that Jesus would allow…

What is the Unforgivable Sin?

When Jesus warned about the unforgivable sin, it raised a question that has troubled many believers: What exactly is this sin that cannot be forgiven? As we look deeper into His words from Mark 3:28-30 and Matthew 12:31-32, we see that He refers to “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as…

Looking Isn’t Seeing, and Hearing Isn’t Listening

The disciples' experience on the stormy sea teaches us a profound truth: we can look right at something and not truly see it. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells parables, and while the crowds hear Him, few really listen. Similarly, on the boat in Luke 8, the disciples see Jesus perform miracles but don’t…

What Happens When Signs Overshadow the Savior?

In the Gospels, we often see Jesus performing miracles, but what’s strange is that after He heals, delivers, or raises the dead, He frequently instructs those involved to tell no one about it. This pattern, known as the Messianic Secret, raises a compelling question: why would Jesus not want people to…

The Awe of God

In Matthew 13:53-58, Mark 6:1-13, and Luke 9:1-6, Jesus returns to Nazareth, His hometown, where His ability to perform miracles is limited by the people’s lack of faith. They had grown up with Him and, in their familiarity, couldn’t see beyond the carpenter’s son to recognize the Messiah standing before…

The Need is the Call

In Mark 6:30-44, Jesus seeks to withdraw with His disciples to a quiet place for rest after their ministry efforts. However, the crowds follow them, and instead of prioritizing the disciples' need for rest, Jesus is moved with compassion for the people, describing them as "sheep without a shepherd." He…

Lip Service or Heart Change? Jesus’ Warning to the Religious

In Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:1-23, Jesus confronts the religious leaders of His day about a dangerous tendency: the elevation of tradition over God’s Word. The Pharisees, known for their outward righteousness and strict adherence to religious customs, were scandalized by Jesus’ disciples eating without performing the ceremonial washing of…

Why Isn’t God More Obvious?

It’s a question that people have asked for centuries: If God exists, why isn’t He more obvious? We long for unmistakable signs—something dramatic to shake us out of doubt or unbelief. But this very demand for a sign is addressed by Jesus Himself in both Mark 8:11-13 and Matthew 16:1-4. When the Pharisees approached Jesus,…

The Rock and the Stumbling Block: Lessons from Peter’s Journey

In Matthew 16:13-23, we see one of the most remarkable shifts in a disciple’s relationship with Jesus. It begins with Simon Peter's stunning confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus blesses Peter and renames him: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build…

When Faith Isn’t Enough

There’s a popular verse that says faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). So what happens when someone prays in faith—believing with all their heart for a miracle—only to find that their mountain doesn’t move? What do we say to the person who truly believes…


The tension between Jesus and the Pharisees is unmistakable in John 7–8. While the Pharisees were preoccupied with protecting their reputation and holding onto their authority, Jesus consistently pointed back to the Father’s glory, not His own. He challenges them — and us — with a radical reorientation: working for…

Prayer 101 with Professor Jesus

Prayer was one of the most profound gifts that Jesus left to His followers, and He didn’t leave us without guidance. In fact, He taught us exactly how to pray in both Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, offering us a template that goes beyond mere words. It shows the heart and…

He Who Dies With the Most Toys Still Dies

Growing up as a millennial who often identified with Gen-X culture, I vividly remember the iconic "No Fear" t-shirts that were all the rage in the 90s. One slogan stuck with me: "He who dies with the most toys still dies." At the time, it seemed like a clever pushback against the…

Never Stop Never Stopping

The title of today’s devotional is borrowed from the comedy film Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping by Andy Samberg—a film about an artist who refuses to quit despite repeated failures. And while it’s an over-the-top satire, that relentless spirit of pressing forward mirrors something crucial about the life of faith. For believers,…

Work the Hardest, Take the Least

In Luke 13:22-30 and 14:7-14, Jesus is both teaching and modeling a value that is deeply counter-cultural: the path to greatness in God’s kingdom is through humility, service, and selflessness. When the disciples are jockeying for position, and the crowd assumes that only the "qualified" will enter the kingdom, Jesus…

Evidence & Excuses

Ever notice how, for some people, there’s never “enough” evidence for God? You could show them miracles, point to transformed lives, or share fulfilled prophecies—but they still hesitate. In Luke 16, Jesus confronts this mindset in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We meet a man who waited…

Tainted Love

Jesus’ prayer for Lazarus, offered publicly just before He called Lazarus from the tomb, was intentional and direct. It wasn’t a show of personal piety but a clear call to witness God’s power so that “they may believe that you sent me” (John 11:42). Jesus demonstrated that public faith—done for…

What Is Jesus Worth To You?

When Jesus told the rich man to sell all he had and give it to the poor, He wasn’t just making a statement about wealth; He was getting to the heart of what really matters to us. Jesus, in His unique way, challenged the rich man—and all of us—to think…

Title: Power vs. Responsibility: Thoughts on Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is fundamentally different from worldly leadership, where authority is often equated with power and influence. Jesus, however, flips this script, embodying and teaching a leadership style built on responsibility and service rather than control. In Mark 10, after James and John ask for places of honor, Jesus clarifies…

Nothing Wasted: Trusting God’s Purpose

It’s a bold statement when Jesus says, “The Lord needs it.” Just before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He asks His disciples to bring Him a colt. No lengthy explanations, no assurances for the colt’s owner — simply, “The Lord needs it.” To the owner, this colt may have been…

My Will Be Done, or Thy Will Be Done?

In John 12:37-50, we find Jesus quoting Isaiah 6:10, a passage where God says He will “blind their eyes and harden their hearts” so that they will not understand or turn to Him. On first glance, it sounds as though God is actively working to prevent people from believing. But…

The Height of Arrogance

In Matthew 21, Mark 12, and Luke 20, Jesus tells a powerful parable of a landowner who leases his vineyard to tenants. When harvest time comes, he sends servants to collect his share, but the tenants beat, stone, and kill each one. Finally, he sends his son, thinking they’ll surely…

Nothing to Lose: Building a Life of Sacrificial Trust

When Jesus watched the widow place two small coins in the temple treasury, He remarked that her offering was worth more than all the others. The wealthy were giving large sums, but it came from their abundance—they had enough left over that they wouldn’t miss what they gave. But this…

Signs of the Times

In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus presents a sweeping vision of future events, but His primary focus is not the “when” of His return. Instead, He emphasizes how we should live as we wait. With each reference to “wars and rumors of wars” and natural upheavals, Jesus reminds His followers that these are…

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant

In Matthew 25:21, Jesus recounts the words of the master in the parable of the talents: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” These words capture the…

Clean, But Not Clean Enough

In John 13, Jesus took a basin and towel to wash the disciples' feet, a humbling act of service that challenged their understanding of cleanliness and purity. When Peter hesitated, Jesus gently reminded him that, while he was already “clean,” his feet still needed washing. Jesus wasn’t just talking about…

Humble, Not Hero

In Luke 22, Peter boldly declares that he’s ready to go to prison and even die for Jesus. It’s a passionate commitment, one that shows his desire to be faithful no matter what. But Jesus, in His wisdom, responds with words that pierce through Peter’s confidence: “I tell you, Peter,…

On Prayer: A Theological Treatise

Prayer is often seen as a lifeline, a means to reach out and align with God’s will. In John 17, we glimpse Jesus’ profound final prayer before His arrest, echoing themes that shape how we might deepen our own prayer lives. This passage brings forth reflections on God's glory, unity…

In Defense of Peter

The account of Peter in Gethsemane is a stirring reminder of how human we are, even when we deeply desire to follow Jesus. Peter, who had walked with Christ, witnessed miracles, and even claimed he would follow Him to the death, shows us that the spirit is indeed willing, but…

Zeal Gone Awry

The trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin is one of the most tragic displays of religious zeal gone wrong. Convinced of their duty to protect God’s honor, the religious leaders allowed their passions and mob mentality to override justice, mercy, and reason. What should have been a trial became a…

Real Justice

In the trials of Jesus, we witness a profound failure of justice. Jesus, innocent in every sense, is passed between leaders who recognize His innocence yet bow to the pressure of an angry mob. Human justice, whether in the hands of Pilate, Herod, or the Sanhedrin, fails Him utterly. Jesus…

The Wounded Healer

During college, I first encountered The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen. My program director — Dr. Carl Strutt — put it on the reading list for one of his classes. At the time, I didn’t fully connect with it. Despite my relative poverty growing up in a broken family, I didn't really understand "wounded-ness"…

Heralds of Redemption: How Women Reversed Eve’s Fall

The resurrection story holds an often-overlooked moment of redemption that goes all the way back to Eden. On that early morning, while the men hid in fear, a small group of women went to the tomb of Jesus, carrying spices and love for their crucified Teacher. What they found was…

Got Questions? Good!

Thomas, one of Jesus' twelve disciples, is often remembered as "Doubting Thomas" — but this label fails to capture the depth of his character or the significance of his encounter with the risen Christ. Far from rebuking him, Jesus invites Thomas to bring his questions forward and see for himself.…

Not All the Answers

At the beginning of Acts, Jesus’ disciples ask Him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). In their minds, this was the right question. After all, they had walked with Jesus through His ministry, His death, and His resurrection, and the natural…

Are You Worthy of Suffering?

In Acts 5, we see an astonishing response from the apostles. After being arrested and ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, they remain steadfast, and the authorities have them flogged to intimidate and discourage them. But instead of leaving in pain and discouragement, they leave rejoicing, “because…

If We Want to SEE Jesus, We Need to NEED Jesus

The account of Stephen in Acts 7 stands as one of the most powerful examples of faith under fire. Known for his wisdom and filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin on false charges. As he boldly shares the truth, he faces increasing hostility, yet instead…

The Power of the Ask

In Acts 8, we encounter the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, a passage that highlights the remarkable power of asking questions. Here, Philip receives a prompting from the Holy Spirit to go to a specific road where he encounters an Ethiopian official reading aloud from Isaiah. Rather than…

Rites, Rituals, or Relationship?

The vision given to Peter in Acts 10 was a pivotal moment that fundamentally changed the understanding of righteousness within the early Christian community. Peter’s vision didn’t just signal a shift in dietary laws or the inclusion of Gentiles; it marked a transformative shift in what it means to be…

The Limits of Human Expectation

The story of Peter’s miraculous release from prison in Acts 12 challenges the boundaries of what we believe God can do. Here we see Peter, imprisoned and facing death, suddenly freed by an angel. Yet, even as he walks out past guards and through iron gates, he assumes this must…

Good Enough? Not Even Close!

In the opening chapters of Galatians, Paul confronts a troubling idea: that righteousness before God can be earned through human effort. For some early Christians, the path to holiness seemed tied to strict adherence to the Mosaic law—a rigorous system that no one could keep perfectly. Paul knew firsthand how…

When You’re Here, You’re Family

Paul’s letters to the Galatians brim with a message of liberation, none more so than his family illustration in Galatians 3–4. He reminds believers that, through faith in Jesus Christ, we are no longer slaves but children of God, heirs to His promises. This shift in status is monumental. Slaves…

The Berean Standard

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. — Acts 17:11 I’ve always loved a good theological debate. After delivering a sermon, there’s…

Common Ground

The Apostle Paul’s encounter with the thinkers at Mars Hill is one of the New Testament's most striking examples of how to engage a diverse audience with the Gospel. As Paul stood before the Areopagus, he didn’t begin with condemnation or alienating truths. Instead, he sought common ground. Pointing out…

Shaming the Idle?

Idleness is more dangerous than it seems, and Paul doesn’t pull punches when addressing it in 2 Thessalonians 3:6–15. He warns believers to avoid those who refuse to work, not as a harsh punishment but as a wake-up call to bring them back to productive, Christ-honoring lives. These idle individuals…

Whose Praise Do You Seek?

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3 are a profound reminder that the foundation of our lives and ministries must be Jesus Christ. Everything we build on that foundation will ultimately be tested by fire, revealing whether it was done for God’s glory or to gain the fleeting approval of others.…

To Judge or Not to Judge

The phrase “Judge not, lest ye be judged” has become a cultural catchphrase, often used to discourage any form of moral discernment. Yet in 1 Corinthians 5, Paul offers a strikingly different perspective, reminding us that judging is not only appropriate in some contexts—it’s necessary. Paul tells the Corinthian church…

Compassion Without Compromise

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 reflect his deep commitment to the Gospel and his flexibility in approach: “To the Jews I became like a those under the law I became like one under the those without the law I became like one without the the weak…

The Greatest Gift

In 1 Corinthians 12–13, Paul speaks to the beauty and diversity of spiritual gifts but shifts focus to what truly matters. While gifts like prophecy, teaching, and leadership are important for building up the church, Paul reminds us they are temporary. In chapter 13, he highlights the things that last…

Death is Defeated

The resurrection chapter, 1 Corinthians 15, gives us one of the most vivid pictures of our future hope in Christ. Paul addresses the finality of death, not as something to fear, but as a defeated foe. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55, NET).…

Are You Protecting God’s Glory or Your Own?

The dramatic scene in Acts 19:23–41 paints a vivid picture of how the Gospel disrupts the power structures of the world. Paul’s ministry in Ephesus was so impactful that it began to undermine the worship of Artemis, the city’s central deity. But the uproar in the Ephesian theatre wasn’t driven…

What is Faith?

Faith is at the heart of salvation, as Paul makes clear in Romans 2–4. Abraham was justified by faith, not by works, so that salvation would be a gift of grace and not something earned (Romans 4:2–3). The picture Paul paints is that of absolute dependence on God, where even…

You’re Gonna Have To Serve Somebody

Romans 6:15–23 confronts us with a profound truth: we all serve something or someone. As Bob Dylan famously sang, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody.” The question is not whether you’ll be a servant but what kind of master you’ll serve. Paul lays it out plainly: we are either slaves…

Does Romans 9 Prove Calvinism?

Romans 9:11-24 is one of the most debated passages in Scripture, often pitting Calvinism’s emphasis on God’s sovereignty and predestination against Arminianism’s focus on free will and human responsibility. Yet, neither system fully reconciles the tension between divine providence and human freedom. A Molinist perspective offers a middle way, affirming…

Be Fully Present

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15, NET) Paul’s exhortation in this verse is simple yet profoundly challenging. It calls us to a kind of empathy that goes beyond surface-level acknowledgment into full participation in the lives of others. In a world that often values…

On the Vulnerability of Leadership

Leadership can feel like walking a tightrope. On the one hand, leaders are expected to guide with wisdom, strength, and decisiveness. On the other, they are human—prone to weariness, doubt, and the need for support. Paul’s plea in Romans 15:30-32 offers a rare glimpse into the vulnerability of one of…

Your Best Life Now

The title may give you pause, especially if you’ve heard it used in ways that promise a prosperity-focused, trouble-free existence. Yet as we turn to 2 Corinthians 6:4-13, Paul offers us a very different vision of what “your best life now” truly looks like. It’s not about ease or worldly…

Paul’s Lost Letter: Sometimes We Need to Be Rebuked

Rebuke isn’t something we naturally seek out. It stings, wounds our pride, and can leave us feeling vulnerable. But in 2 Corinthians 7, Paul shows us that rebuke—when done with love and a heart for restoration—has the power to bring life-changing results. Paul refers to a letter he had written…

Embracing Contentment: When God Says No

Paul’s thorn in the flesh, as described in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, is a powerful reminder that God’s answers to prayer aren’t always what we want, but they are always what we need. Paul begged God three times to remove his thorn, but instead of removing it, God offered a profound assurance: “My…

Prophesying Daughters: What They Teach Us About Ministry

The brief mention of Philip’s four unmarried, prophesying daughters in Acts 21:9 might seem insignificant at first glance. Yet, every detail in Scripture has a purpose, and this passage is no exception. Luke includes it not as a throwaway comment but as a window into the life of the early…

Christian Shrewdness

The events of Acts 22-23 provide a compelling example of Paul’s remarkable shrewdness. After being arrested in Jerusalem, Paul navigates a labyrinth of danger and intrigue with wisdom and calculated action. Despite his willingness to suffer for Christ, Paul does not recklessly throw himself into harm's way. Instead, he uses…

From Chains to Courage: What Paul’s Boldness Means for You

In Acts 26, Paul finds himself standing before King Agrippa, defending himself against accusations that could lead to his death. But what stands out isn’t Paul’s self-preservation; it’s his selflessness. Given the chance to plead his case, Paul doesn’t focus on his own innocence. Instead, he seizes the opportunity to…

Assurance in Uncertainty

Paul’s journey to Rome, as described in Acts 27, is a masterclass in trusting God amidst uncertainty. Back in Acts 23:11, an angel assured Paul that he would testify in Rome. Yet the path to that fulfillment was anything but straightforward. Storms, shipwrecks, and imprisonment were part of the journey—none…

Joy in Every CircumstanceBased on Acts 28:16-31

Paul’s time under house arrest in Rome paints a vivid picture of joy in the midst of adversity. Bound to a soldier, living on his own resources, and awaiting a trial that could end in his execution, Paul’s circumstances were far from ideal. Yet, rather than despairing, Paul seized the…

Precision Speech

Ephesians 4:29 offers us a vital reminder: "You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear" (NET). The command here isn’t just about avoiding foul language or…

A Life That Honors God

In Colossians 1:9-10, Paul writes, “For this reason we also, from the day we heard about you, have not ceased praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may live worthily of the Lord and…

Stop Believing in Nonsense!

Paul’s warning to the Colossians couldn’t be clearer: “Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy that is according to human traditions and the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” He doesn’t mince words. Why? Because the stakes are eternal. The Colossian…

Status Update

The book of Philemon is more than just a short letter—it’s a window into the radical redefinition of relationships that the Gospel brings. Onesimus, once a slave and a fugitive, is now described as a "beloved brother" in Christ. Imagine how shocking this must have been in a world that…


Philippians 2:15 says, "Do everything without complaining" and verse 17 adds, "I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy." We…

Want God’s Help? Get Serious

James 1:2-8"My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything. But if…

Spiritual Adultery

James doesn’t pull any punches. When he calls out his audience for their divided loyalties, he labels it plainly: “Adulterers!” (James 4:4). This isn’t a gentle nudge toward improvement; it’s a wake-up call. Why such strong language? Because spiritual adultery isn’t a minor slip. It’s a betrayal of covenant love,…

All Kinds of Evil

“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, in reaching for it, have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains.” (1 Timothy 6:10, NET) Paul’s words to Timothy cut straight to the heart of humanity’s struggles. Money itself isn’t the…

How Do You See?

“To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” (Titus 1:15, NET) We often think that the world around us determines how we see things. If life is good, we feel good. If…

Tell Me What I Want, What I Really, Really Want

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things.—2 Timothy 4:3 (NET) We live in an era saturated with options. Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find…

A Greater Priesthood

In Hebrews 7, the author pauses to unpack the story of Melchizedek, a mysterious figure from Genesis. At first glance, Melchizedek’s brief appearance as “king of Salem” and “priest of God Most High” might seem like a random historical footnote, but there’s so much more going on. The writer of…

Are You Listening?

In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many times and in many ways through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us in a son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world.—Hebrews 1:1-2 (NET) God is not…

Gather and Grow

Hebrews 10:24–25 says, “And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works, not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near” (NET). There’s…

When to Say No to the King: Drawing the Line with Faithful Defiance

By faith, Moses’ parents hid him for three months, defying Pharaoh’s decree to kill Hebrew baby boys. They were unafraid of the king’s edict because they recognized a higher authority: God Himself (Hebrews 11:23). This act of defiance wasn’t reckless rebellion but a profound display of faith and discernment. It…

Holy Like Him: Living Out Our Call to Be Set Apart

“As the one who called you is holy, you yourselves be holy in all your conduct, for it is written, ‘You shall be holy, because I am holy’” (1 Peter 1:15-16). This is not a casual suggestion. It’s a direct call, echoing Leviticus 19:2, where God commands His people to…

Hope That Demands an Explanation

“But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess” (1 Peter 3:15, NET). When Peter penned this command, he wasn’t writing to people living in comfort or ease. He addressed believers facing persecution,…

Building on Faith

“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith excellence, to excellence, knowledge; to knowledge, self-control; to self-control, perseverance; to perseverance, godliness; to godliness, brotherly affection; to brotherly affection, unselfish love.” — 2 Peter 1:5-7 (NET) Faith is the cornerstone of the Christian life. It’s where our…

The Root of Every Sin

“For all that is in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the arrogance produced by material possessions—is not from the Father, but is from the world.” — 1 John 2:16 (NET) Every sin we commit can be traced back to three core desires:…

Three Witnesses to Life

“For there are three that testify, the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.” — 1 John 5:7-8 (NET) God doesn’t leave us guessing about who He is or the life He offers. In His mercy, He gives us witnesses to testify to the…

Supernatural Instincts

Our natural instincts often feel like second nature—habits of thought, emotion, and action that seem to spring from within us effortlessly. But in Jude 1:19, we’re reminded of a sobering truth: living by these instincts alone is a hallmark of those who are “devoid of the Spirit.” When we live…

Losing My Religion

Revelation 3:1-6 delivers a stark warning to the church in Sardis. Though they had a reputation for being alive, they were spiritually dead. Jesus exhorts them to wake up, strengthen what remains, and repent—or risk losing what little they have left. This passage, among others, raises an age-old question: Can…

The God Who Saves, Even in Judgment

As we read through Revelation, particularly chapters 7 to 10, we are swept into the grandeur of God's final plans for humanity and creation. These chapters depict a world groaning under divine judgment—earthquakes, plagues, cosmic upheaval. Yet, woven into this vivid tapestry of destruction is an astonishing truth: even as…

Why Knowing the True Gospel Is Your Only Defense Against Spiritual Counterfeits

It’s easy to think we’d never be deceived by false teaching. After all, if someone were to walk into your church, preaching a gospel of blatant lies, you’d recognize it immediately, wouldn’t you? But Revelation 13:11-18 reminds us that deception doesn’t come with a warning label. The second beast appears…

Adorned with Decadent Blasphemy

Revelation 17 introduces us to a woman clothed in fine garments, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls, seated atop a scarlet beast. Her appearance is captivating, even alluring, but her opulence conceals her true nature. She is described as holding a golden cup filled with abominations and the impurities…

Keep the Word of Prophecy

“Look! I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy expressed in this book.” – Revelation 22:7 (NET) As we stand on the threshold of a new year, the words of Revelation 22:7 ring with urgency and hope. Jesus declares His return is imminent,…